Title: Dark Matter Time Projection Chamber: Recent R&D Results Authors: J. B. R. Battat, S. Ahlen, M. Chernicoff, C. Deaconu, D. Dujmic, A. Dushkin, P. Fisher, S. Henderson, A. Inglis, A. Kaboth, L. Kirsch, J. P. Lopez, J. Monroe, H. Ouyang, G. Sciolla, H. Tomita, H. Wellenstein
The Dark Matter Time Projection Chamber collaboration recently reported a dark matter limit obtained with a 10 litre time projection chamber filled with CF4 gas. The 10 litre detector was capable of 2D tracking (perpendicular to the drift direction) and 2D fiducialisation, and only used information from two CCD cameras when identifying tracks and rejecting backgrounds. Since that time, the collaboration has explored the potential benefits of photomultiplier tube and electronic charge readout to achieve 3D tracking, and particle identification for background rejection. The latest results of this effort is described here.