The Trenzano meteorite fell on November 12th, 1856 over Brescia, Italy. Three stones were reported to have been seen falling after several explosions were heard throughout the countryside. Only two of the stones were found, of about 5.95 kg and 5.75 kg, and a total weight of 11.8 kg. Several Italian and foreign museums possess samples, a few grams, from the original meteorite. Trenzano was officially classified as an ordinary chondrite type H3 / 4, ie, a high content of metal The density without the crust is 3.81 kg / cm3.
Quel 12 Novembre del 1856 alle 16 del pomeriggio la giornata era piovigginosa e il signor Ragazzoni si trovava con degli amici sul Colle Beato presso Brescia, quando all'improvviso udì uno scoppio, come di artiglieria, seguito da un forte rimbombo, che molte persone attribuirono allo scoppio di un fulmine. Read more