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Post Info TOPIC: Cassiopeia W5


Posts: 131433

Title: Interstellar matter and star formation in W5-E - A Herschel view
Authors: L. Deharveng, A. Zavagno, L.D. Anderson, F. Motte, A. Abergel, Ph. Andre, S. Bontemps, G. Leleu, H. Roussel, D. Russeil

W5-E has been observed with the Herschel-PACS and -SPIRE photometers, at 100, 160, 250, 350, and 500 microns. The dust temperature map shows a rather uniform temperature, in the range 17.5-20 K in the dense condensations or filaments, 21-22 K in the photodissociation regions, and 24-31 K in the direction of the ionised regions. The column densities are rather low, everywhere lower than 10^23 cm-2, and of the order of a few 10^21 cm-2 in the PDRs. About 8000 solar masses of neutral material surrounds the ionised region, which is low with respect to the volume of this HII region; we suggest that the exciting stars of the W5-E, W5-W, Sh~201, A and B HII regions formed along a dense filament or sheet rather than inside a more spherical cloud. Fifty point sources have been detected at 100 microns. Most of them are Class 0/I YSOs. The SEDs of their envelopes have been fitted using a modified blackbody model. These envelopes are cold, with a mean temperature of 15.7±1.8K. Their masses are in the range 1.3-47 solar masses. Eleven of these point sources are candidate Class 0 YSOs. Twelve of these point sources are possibly at the origin of bipolar outflows detected in this region. None of the YSOs contain a massive central object, but a few may form a massive star as they have both a massive envelope and also a high envelope accretion rate. Most of the Class 0/I YSOs are observed in the direction of high column density material, for example in the direction of the massive condensations present at the waist of the bipolar Sh 201 HII region or enclosed by the bright-rimmed cloud BRC14. The overdensity of Class 0/I YSOs on the borders of the HII regions strongly suggests that triggered star formation is at work in this region but, due to insufficient resolution, the exact processes at the origin of the triggering are difficult to determine.

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Posts: 131433
RE: Cassiopeia W5

Planets Living on the Edge
Some stars have it tough when it comes to raising planets. A new image from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope shows one unlucky lot of stars, born into a dangerous neighbourhood. The stars themselves are safe, but the material surrounding them -- the dusty bits of what might have been future planets -- can be seen blowing off into space.  
The hazard in this particular nook of space is a group of behemoth stars. Radiation and winds from the massive stars are wiping smaller, sun-like stars clean of their planet-making material.  

"We are seeing the effects that massive stars have on smaller stars that are trying to form planets. These stars may or may not go on to form small, inner planets like the Earth, but it's probable that outer planets like Uranus and Neptune would never come to be" - Xavier Koenig, lead author of a paper about the discovery, recently published in the Astrophysical Journal Letters.

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Posts: 131433
Dusty Cometary Globules

Title: Dusty Cometary Globules in W5
Authors: X. P. Koenig, L. E. Allen, S. J. Kenyon, K. Y. L. Su, Z. Balog

We report the discovery of four dusty cometary tails around low mass stars in two young clusters belonging to the W5 star forming region. Fits to the observed emission profiles from 24 micron observations with the Spitzer Space Telescope give tail lifetimes < 30 Myr, but more likely < 5 Myr. This result suggests that the cometary phase is a short lived phenomenon, occurring after photoevaporation by a nearby O star has removed gas from the outer disk of a young low mass star (see also Balog et al. 2006; Balog et al. 2008).

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Posts: 131433
RE: Cassiopeia W5

This infrared image taken by the Spitzer Space Telescope of the W5 star forming region in Cassiopeia, dubbed "Mountains of Creation," reveals towering pillars of dust aglow with the light of embryonic stars (white/yellow), the visible-light view shows dark, barely-visible pillars. The added detail in the Spitzer image reveals a dynamic region in the process of evolving and creating new stellar life.

Expand (6757kb, 3426 x 2548)
Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Infrared light can travel through dust, while visible light is blocked by it. In this case, infrared light from the stars tucked inside the dusty pillars is escaping and being detected by Spitzer. The dust making up the pillars has also been warmed by stars and consequently glows in infrared light, where Spitzer can see it.
Spitzer is both seeing, and seeing through, the dust.

The Spitzer image was taken by the infrared array camera on Spitzer. It is a 4-color composite of infrared light, showing emissions from wavelengths of 3.6 microns (blue), 4.5 microns (green), 5.8 microns (orange), and 8.0 microns (red).



Posts: 131433

A new image from the Spitzer Space Telescope reveals billowing mountains of dust ablaze with the fires of stellar youth.

Captured by Spitzer's infrared eyes, the majestic image resembles the iconic "Pillars of Creation" picture taken of the Eagle Nebula in visible light by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope in 1995. Both views feature star-forming clouds of cool gas and dust that have been sculpted into pillars by radiation and winds from hot, massive stars.

Position(2000): RA: 3h01m56s Dec: +60d35m50s
Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

The Spitzer image shows the eastern edge of a region known as W5, in the Cassiopeia constellation 7,000 light-years away. This region is dominated by a single massive star, whose location outside the pictured area is "pointed out" by the finger-like pillars. The pillars themselves are colossal, together resembling a mountain range. They are more than 10 times the size of those in the Eagle Nebula.

The largest of the pillars observed by Spitzer entombs hundreds of never-before-seen embryonic stars, and the second largest contains dozens.

"We believe that the star clusters lighting up the tips of the pillars are essentially the offspring of the region's single, massive star. It appears that radiation and winds from the massive star triggered new stars to form" - Dr. Lori Allen, lead investigator of the new observations, from the Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics, Cambridge, Mass.

Spitzer was able to see the stars forming inside the pillars thanks to its infrared vision. Visible-light images of this same region show dark towers outlined by halos of light. The stars inside are cloaked by walls of dust. But infrared light coming from these stars can escape through the dust, providing astronomers with a new view.

"With Spitzer, we can not only see the stars in the pillars, but we can estimate their age and study how they formed" - Dr. Joseph Hora, a co-investigator, also from the Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics.

The W5 region and the Eagle Nebula are referred to as high-mass star-forming regions. They start out as thick and turbulent clouds of gas and dust that later give birth to families of stars, some of which are more than 10 times more massive than the sun. Radiation and winds from the massive stars subsequently blast the cloudy material outward, so that only the densest pillar-shaped clumps of material remain. The process is akin to the formation of desert mesas, which are made up of dense rock that resisted water and wind erosion.

According to theories of triggered star formation, the pillars eventually become dense enough to spur the birth of a second generation of stars. Those stars, in turn, might also trigger successive generations. Astronomers do not know if the sun, which formed about five billion years ago, was originally a member of this type of extended stellar family.

Allen and her colleagues believe they have found evidence for triggered star formation in the new Spitzer image. Though it is possible the clusters of stars in the pillars are siblings of the single massive star, the astronomers say the stars are more likely its children.

Luis Chavarria is also a member of the investigating team at the Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics. This research was originally led by Dr. Lynne Deutsch of the Centre for Astrophysics, who passed away April 2, 2004.

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