Title: Petrography and mineral chemistry of the Reliegos chondrite Author: Rafael P. LOZANO and Tomás MARTIN-CRESPO
Reliegos is the last recorded meteorite fall in Spain (December 28, 1947) in the town of Reliegos, a province of León (Gómez de Llarena and Rodriguez-Arango 1950). A total of 17.3 kg were recovered, of which 7 fragments are located in different museums (Graham et al. 1985; Grady 2000). The specimen studied in this work (620 g) is located at the Museo Geominero, Instituto Geológico y Minero de España (IGME) in Madrid, and has not been previously studied or recorded in any published catalogue. Previous works were focused on the classification and potential pairing of the specimens, and indicated that the meteorite was an ordinary chondrite L5 (McCoy et al. 1990). In this work, we have carried out a detailed petrographic and mineralogical characterization, revealing an unusual Cr-rich object