The ESS shot was the 7th nuclear test of Operation Teapot. ESS was a 1 kiloton nuclear blast. ESS, short for Effects Sub Surface was detonated on March 23, 1955. This footage is silent.The frist time released Ess shot film in full colour This LASL test was the sixth to use the Ranger Able U-235 core, this time in a Mk-6 HE assembly. Ess (Effects Sub-Surface) was a test of atomic demolition munition (ADM) cratering. The 8000 lb bomb was placed in a shaft lined with corrugated steel, 10 feet wide and 70 feet deep (so that the bomb center was at -67 feet), which was back-filled with sandbags and dirt prior to firing. The crater was 300 feet wide and 128 feet deep.
Operation Teapot was a series of fourteen nuclear test explosions conducted at the Nevada Test Site in the first half of 1955. During shot "Wasp", ground forces took part in Exercise Desert Rock VI which included an armoured task force "Razor" moving to within 900 meters of ground zero, under the still-forming mushroom cloud. Read more