At the end of July, the Delta Aquarid Meteor shower will make an appearance. This event typically produces 20 meteors per hour. After midnight, the moon sets and allows for darker skies, which is the best time to view meteor showers. Meteor showers are typically caused by comet dust burning up in the Earth's atmosphere. Read more
Noted astronomer Dave Reneke looks heavenwards to see what's going on There's a New Moon on July 19 so, for awhile, the skies are going to be nice and dark. Ideal for stargazing! In fact this month is full of stargazing goodies so see you in the backyard right after dinner, OK? With the glare of moonlight gone so many more stars are visible and the colours stand out nicely as well. Read more
The Milky Way not only runs right through Cygnus, but there are a number of easy to find - and very pretty - double stars to be found in the Swan constellation. In this video, learn where and how to spot these delightful duos with binoculars or small telescopes during the summer months. Later in the week, the slim crescent Moon is barely visible above the horizon, but Saturn and Mars team up to make a convenient pointer for you to find Luna in the twilight. And, don't miss Jupiter and Venus in the morning sky. See what's up in the night sky every week with "Eyes on the Sky," astronomy made easy.