Venus is near Aldebaran at 14:23 UT, 9th July, 2012.
Moonrise in the constellation Pisces at 22:15.4 UT, 8th July, 2012, (for Scotland).
Venus, Jupiter, Pleiades... July 06, 2012.
Credit Skywardlight
Timelapse of Constellations, Planets, & stars before sunrise.Venus, Jupiter & moons, Ceres, Vesta, Pleiades, Taurus, Aldebaran.Venus was extremely bright this morning.
The Earth is at aphelion (distance to sun: 1.0167 AU) at 3:32.1 UT, 5th July.
Moonrise in the constellation Sagittarius at 21:02.5 UT, 4th June, 2012.
Venus passes through the Hyades cluster
Excellent Planetary Alignment this Month
Moonrise in the constellation Sagittarius at 20:30.6 UT (for Scotland)
Full Moon (diameter: 32.695', declination: -19.72°) at 18:51.9 UT, 3rd July.
This is the second most southerly full moon of the year.