Title: The fireball stream of the Tagish Lake meteorite Authors: Terentjeva, A. & Barabanov, S.
The fall of the Tagish Lake meteorite was caused by the already known mu-Orionid fireball stream (No. 1 in Terentjeva 1989, 1990). The 60-Orionid meteor stream and the asteroid (4183) Cuno can be connected with this fireball stream and the Tagish Lake meteorite.
4183 Cuno is an Apollo, Mars- and Venus-crosser asteroid. It was discovered in 1959 by Cuno Hoffmeister, from whom the asteroid takes its name. Cuno is about 4-9 km in diameter and is an S-type asteroid, meaning that it is highly reflective and composed of nickel-iron mixed with iron- and magnesium-silicates. Read more
The 3500 - 7800 metre wide asteroid (4183) Cuno (1959 LM) will make a close pass (47.4 lunar distances, 0.1218 AU), travelling at 14.40 km/second, to the Earth-Moon system on the 20th May, 2012 @ 19:12 UT ±00:01.