On the night of 13-14 May 1831, a luminous meteor appeared in the sky near Poitiers, three explosions occurred, following a South-North trajectory. The next day a farmer finds a rocky mass in his vines, surprised by this encounter he called his closest neighbours and together they noticed a recent excavation 60 cm in diameter by 40 cm deep, the earth was ejected from the crater. The cause (Meteorite) of about twenty kilograms had bounced and was just a few steps from the point of impact. Source
In the night from the 13 to May 14, 1831, a bright bolide appeared in the sky near Poitiers. It was heading from the south to the north. Three explosions occurred. The next day, a farmer of the village of Vouillé discovered the meteorite in his vineyard. Read more
Globe lumineux ! Coup de canon ! Bruits étranges ! Tels sont les phénomènes perçus par les habitants de Poitiers, éberlués sans doute, en cette soirée du 13 au 14 mai 1831. Le lendemain, c'était aux Vouglaisiens de se poser des questions... Source (PDF)