Title: Shower of Meteoric Stones in the Neighbourhood of the Village Kuznetzovo, West Siberia, on May 26, 1932 Authors: Prof. Dr. P. L. Dravert
AT the end of October 1932 information was received at the West Siberian Museum in Omsk that in May 1932 a meteorite fell in the village of Kuznctzovo, 140 kin. east by north from Omsk. On November 3-7, together with my assistant P. Serov, I investigated the matter on the spot,. In March 1933 some further information was received, and I am now able to make the following preliminary communication. The small village of Kuznetzovo (55° 12'N., 75° 20' E. of Greenwich) is situated in the western part of the Tatarsk district, 12 km. NE. of the Koloniya station on the Trans-Siberian Railway. The country for a considerable distance around Kuznetzovo is level and typical of the forest-steppe zone of the West Siberian lowland. On May 26, 1932, between 5 and 6p.m. (local time), with the sky absolutely cloudless, a large bolide passed from west to cast over the neighbourhood of Kuznetzovo. Its passage was accompanied by a buzzing noise which lasted for some time and resembled the sound of a flying aeroplane. Then were heard at short intervals deafening detonations resembling the firing of big guns. Some people counted ten detonations, others heard fewer. In the sky there appeared a small dark cloud with three times the apparent diameter of the moon, and several stones fell on the surface of the earth. The front part of the air-wave produced by the passage of the meteorite caused a brief whirlwind which rocked the tops of birch trees in a small wood near the village. It was also noted that the ground shook, window-panes rattled, and hanging articles began to swing.