Full Moon (diameter: 31.015') at 13:58.1 UT, 31st August, 2012.
This month has two full Moon's and the second is often called a "Blue Moon".
Watch Out For The Blue Moon
The second full Moon of August--a "Blue Moon"--is just around the corner. It will probably look just like any other full Moon but, on rare occasions, the Moon really does turn blue. Could it happen this month?
Eyes on the Sky: Aug 27 thru Sept 2
Credit eyesontheskyDOTcom
Hundreds of dim stars are now known to have planets revolving around them, but there are several bright enough to see naked eye.
Intermediate Object Observing List
Object Type Constellation Mag DateM102 Gal Draco 10.8NGC 5907 Gal Draco 11.1IC 4593 PN Hercules 10.9NGC 6207 Gal Hercules 12.1NGC 6791 OC Lyra 9.5M57 PN Lyra 9.7M107 GC Ophiucus 7.9M9 GC Ophiucus 7.7NGC 6356 GC Ophiucus 8.3NGC 6366 GC Ophiucus 9.2NGC 6416 OC Scorpius 7.0NGC 6425 OC Scorpius 7.0NGC 6818 PN Sagittarius 9.9NGC 6520 OC Sagittarius 7.6NGC 6522 GC Sagittarius 8.3NGC 6624 GC Sagittarius 7.9M26 OC Scutum 8.0Gamma Delphini Mult Delphinus 5.0M71 GC Sagitta 8.2M27 PN Vulpecula 7.6NGC 6940 OC Vulpecula 6.3NGC 6960 SNR Cygnus 7.0NGC 6992 SNR Cygnus 7.0NGC 6826 PN Cygnus 9.8IC 5070 SNR Cygnus 8.0IC 5146 OC Cygnus 7.2M29 OC Cygnus 6.6M30 GC Capricornus 7.2Neptune Planet Aquarius 7.8NGC 7009 PN Aquarius 8.3M2 GC Aquarius 6.5Uranus Planet Pisces 5.8M74 Gal Pisces 9.8M15 GC Pegasus 6.2NGC 7331 Gal Pegasus 10.3
OC = Open Cluster
GC = Globular Cluster
Gal = Galaxy
PN = Planetary Nebula
Mult = Multiple star
SNR = Super Nova Remnant