A CZ-3C Rocket body that was launched on the 25th July, 2012, from the Xichang Space Center, for the TL-1 Tianlian I-3 satellite mission re-entered the Earths atmosphere on the 21st November, 2012 @ 23:45 GMT ± 10 minutes.
CZ-3C RB 1 38731U 12040B 12326.80979412 .99999999 -13736-4 50843-2 0 791 2 38731 017.9113 095.9354 0665994 335.5530 150.0129 15.01222133 3533
Period: 113.56 minutesInclination: 17.96° Apogee: 2695 kmPerigee: 85 kmRevolution Number: 357Predicted Location: 15°N, 90°E