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Post Info TOPIC: May 2013


Posts: 131433
RE: May 2013

Moonrise in the constellation Capricornus at 01:28.4 UT, 2nd May, 2013. (for Scotland)



Posts: 131433

Variable Stars

Maxima of long period variable S Herculis on the 6th May, 2013.
Maxima of long period variable T Cephei on the 12th May, 2013.
Maxima of long period variable R Trianguli on the 15th May, 2013.



Posts: 131433



The celtic festival of Beltane is on May 1st.

North American Nebula -- this is an enormous and vivid cloud of gas and dust which has striking resemblance to North America. Due to its large size (four degrees across, eight times the angular size of the Moon), the nebula ("NGC7000") must be viewed with low power instruments such as richest field telescopes or binoculars. Located in Cygnus the Swan, it rises in the east in the early evening on this date and becomes an easy object by 11:00 PM. For a relatively faint patch such as this a dark moonless sky is going to be necessary. First look for it with the naked eye. If you can't find it that way, try sweeping across the area with your binoculars.
Behind the nebula lies the part of the Milky Way. Photographs will show a million dancing fiery lights all splashed wildly across the ebony sky.
Deneb is thought to be the illuminating star, at about 70 light years away. The cloud is itself about 45 light years across. See also Blobs Cygnus highlights

The Summer Triangle -- Vega, Deneb, and Altair -- holds the central position, high in the south. The scorpion sits low to the south and slightly west. Directly to the arachnid's east is Sagittarius, the Archer, and between the two lies the direction toward the Milky Way galaxy's centre. The ribbon of soft light that delineates our galaxy flows up from the south, through the Triangle, and then cascades toward the northern horizon.

Bootes, the Herdsman -- As May heads into June, the precession of Greek character continues across the evening skies. This evening you will likely see Bootes, the Herdsman, rising high in the heavens.
Bootes is believed to have been Arcas the illicit son of Zeus and Callisto, the daughter of Arcadia. Callisto was the favourite hunting partner of the goddess of hunting, Artemis. Zeus wanted Callisto and succeeded by assuming the appearance of Artemis one day. When it became clear to the real Artemis what had happened, she banished her friend from her company.
After Callisto gave birth to her son, Arcas, the wife of Zeus became angry at her husband's indiscretions. Cursing her, she changed her rival into a bear and condemned her to wander the forest for years to come. Years later Arcas himself became an accomplished hunter and stumbled across this bear in the woods. At that point, Zeus stepped in and sent the both of them into the heavens where Callisto was turned into Ursa Major and her son Arcas, Bootes.
In another legend Bootes was identified as Icarus, the inventor of wine. One day he gave some wine to a few clueless shepherds. Mistaking their drunken state for being poisoned they, killed him. Maera, his dog ran home and returned with Erigone, the daughter of Icarius who upon seeing her dead father committed suicide along with the dog. Taking pity on them, Zeus immortalized them in the heavens for all eternity. Maera became Canis Minor, Erigone is now seen as Virgo, and Icarius of course is Bootes.
The constellation is best known for housing Arcturus, the fourth brightest star in the sky .

Coma Berenices -- Rising in the eastern skies about mid-evening is the faint constellation, Coma Berenices, "Berenices' Hair". Undistinguished as it seems, this constellation has one significant feather in its cap : this is where the North Galactic Pole (NGP) is located in between stars Beta and Gamma. The galaxy like everything else in the Universe rotates around on an axis. Where the Earth spins every 24 hours, our galaxy takes about 20 million years for each rotation and the NGP is where the North Pole of the galaxy is aimed. The southern Galactic Pole is located in Sculptor. Since you are looking away from the galaxy you will see fewer bright stars than toward the body the Milky Way. But now you have a clear shot into extra galactic space revealing all many more galaxies which would otherwise be hidden by our own.
While Coma Berenices is one of the more modern constellations (being created in 1551), the grouping was mentioned on occasion by the ancients. Frequently referred to both as the "hair" of either Ariadne or Queen Berenice of Egypt. Unlike most constellations this is one of the few that refers to a real person.
Berenice married her brother, Ptolemy III (as was Egyptian royal tradition) in the third century BC. A few days after her marriage Ptolemy went off to war. She promised him that if he were to return safely she would cut off her hair. He did, and so she did, placing it in the temple as a gift to the gods. The next day her hair mysteriously was gone, gone to the stars according to the court mathematician.
While dim in stars, Coma Berenices is a very fertile playground for astronomers, containing about half of the famous Coma-Virgo galactic cluster. So it has many fine galaxies well within the grasp of amateur telescopes.

Notable Messier objects

M13 in the constellation Hercules, is one of the largest of over 100 globular clusters in our Galaxy. Located about 25,000 light-years away, it contains about half a million stars packed into a space only a few tens of light years in diameter. Globular clusters contain some of the oldest stars in the Universe.
M56 Also in the constellation of Lyra we find our first globular cluster of the night. In a telescope look for a small round ball of light, slightly brighter in the centre. This is a difficult binocular object appearing as a small fuzzy patch.
M27 Also known as the Dumbbell nebula, the largest planetary nebula in the Messier Catalogue, M27 lies in the constellation Vulpecula. Fairly easy to see in binoculars as a small hazy patch. In small to medium scopes it appears as a rectangular patch of light. In large scopes it may even appear round in shape with a bright rectangular, or dumbbell shaped core.




Posts: 131433

Asteroids at opposition

Asteroid (83) Beatrix is at Opposition in the constellation Libra on the 2nd May, 2013.
Distance to Earth: 1.242 AU
Distance to Sun: 2.250 AU
Magnitude: 11.0

Asteroid (140) Siwa is at Opposition in the constellation Libra on the 2nd May, 2013.
Distance to Earth: 1.523 AU
Distance to Sun: 2.529 AU
Magnitude: 11.5

Asteroid (156) Xanthippe is at Opposition in the constellation Libra on the 9th May, 2013.
Distance to Earth: 1.106 AU
Distance to Sun: 2.114 AU
Magnitude: 10.7

Asteroid (16) Psyche is at Opposition in the constellation Libra on the 9th May, 2013.
Distance to Earth: 2.238 AU
Distance to Sun: 3.246 AU
Magnitude: 10.4

Asteroid (25) Phocaea is at Opposition in the constellation Libra on the 16th May, 2013.
Distance to Earth: 1.053 AU
Distance to Sun: 2.044 AU
Magnitude: 10.0

Asteroid (88) Thisbe is at Opposition in the constellation Scorpius on the 22nd May, 2013.
Distance to Earth: 1.547 AU
Distance to Sun: 2.557 AU
Magnitude: 10.3

Asteroid (6) Hebe is at Opposition in the constellation Serpens Caput on the 23rd May, 2013.
Distance to Earth: 1.758 AU
Distance to Sun: 2.721 AU
Magnitude: 9.6



Posts: 131433

Meteor showers

May has only one major meteor shower.
The Eta Aquarids (ETA) are the debris trail from Halley's Comet, which last passed through the inner solar system in 1986. The comet has an orbital period of about 76 years, and on May 5th we pass closest to Halley's orbit. At their peak the Eta Aquarids may produce up to 30 meteors per hour, from a radiant located at 22:12 (333) -04. This area of the sky is located in northern Aquarius, four degrees south of the third magnitude star Sadalmelik (Alpha Aquarii). The best time to view this activity is just before the start of morning twilight, when the radiant lies highest in a dark sky. However, from far Northern latitudes the radiant is situated very low in the sky. With an entry velocity of 66 kilometres per second, a majority of these meteors will appear to move swiftly and produce a high percentage of persistent trains.

ShowerActivity PeriodMaximumRadiantVelocityZHR
Eta AquaridsApril 21-May 12May 5338°-01°6640- 85
Epsilon AquilidsMay 4-27May17/18284.1°+15.5°305
May LibridsMay 1-9May 6/7229°-16° 18
Eta LyridsMay 3-12May 8-10292°+40°  
N. May OphiuchidsApril 8-June 16May 18/19253°-15°202-3
S. May OphiuchidsApril 21-June 4May 13-18252°-23°405



Posts: 131433

Mercury: at magnitude -1.0, starts the month in the constellation of Pisces. Mercury in superior conjunction on the 27th. Mercury is 0.5° from Mars on the 7th May, 2013. 
(On May 1st, )

Venus: is at magnitude -3.9.  The planet is in constellation Aries at the start of the month. It is best seen from 4.7h -20.7h. Venus is 1.4° South of the Moon on the 11th. 
(On May 1st, RA= 3h08m22s  Dec=+17°13.6' (J2000) Distance=1.702AU Diameter=9.8")



Earth: Penumbral Lunar Eclipse on the 25th. An annular solar eclipse will take place on May 10, 2013.

The Moon:  Full moon (diameter 33.264') in the constellation Scorpius at 04:24.9 UT, 25th May.  Lunar perigee (distance 358369.0 km, apparent diameter: 33'57.0") at 01:49.5 UT, 26th May.  Last Quarter Moon at 18:58.1 UT, 31st May.  
New Moon and annular solar eclipse (diameter: 29.784') at 00:28.4 UT, 10th May.  Lunar Apogee (distance 405850.9 km, apparent diameter: 29'54.9") at 13:40.6 UT, 13th May.  First Quarter Moon at 04:34.5 UT, 18th May, 2013. 

Mars: at magnitude -1.3 starts the month in the constellation Aries. Mars is occulted by  the Moon on the 9th.  

Jupiter: is in the constellation Taurus. At magnitude -2.0, the planet is best seen from 20.3h -23.3h. Jupiter 3° North of the Moon on the 12th.
Transit times of the Great Red Spot are posted in a separate thread.
(On May 1st, RA= 5h05m42s  Dec=+22°31.9' (J2000) Distance=5.884AU   Diameter=33.5")

Saturn: at magnitude 0.1 sits in the constellation Libra. The planet is best seen from 20.2h - 4.0h. Saturn is 3° north of the Moon on the 23rd. Saturn was at opposition on the 28th April.
(On May 1st, RA=14h25m22s  Dec=-11°34.6' (J2000) Distance=8.817AU   Diameter=18.8")

Uranus: is in the constellation Pisces. Uranus at magnitude 5.9, has a bluish-green hue and appears 3.3 arcseconds wide.

Neptune: is at magnitude 7.9 in the constellation Aquarius.

Pluto: is in the constellation Sagittarius (mag 14.1). Normally, a finder chart is necessary to help in identifying the 0.1" diameter dwarf planet. The dwarf planet is best seen from 22.6h - 1.7h.   
(On May 1st, RA=18h48m01s  Dec=-19°41.2' (J2000) Distance=31.925AU   Diameter=0.1")

The Sun enters the zodiac sign of Gemini at 21:10 UT on the 20th May, 2013.

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