Title: Daylight Meteor, March 18 Author: J. EDMUND CLARK
This meteor, reported to NATURE by Dr. Rorie of Dundee, was also seen by Mr. A. G. Linney at Ackworth, near Pontefract. Careful comparison of their records gave a probable (path from just S.E. of Lanark to 30 or 40 miles W. of Mull Notes received later from the Fort William Low Level Observatory make it probable that the end was nearer there, say just N. of Mull. The former gives an actual path of 180, miles, from a height of 140 to 42 miles; the latter, 140 miles ending at a height of 40 miles or less. If Dr. Rorie's time is correct, it travelled at a rate of 36 or 28 miles per second, both being rapid. This accounts for the magnificent streak. As this floated across to Dundee in three quarters of an hour, the central part must have in that time travelled 95 or 85 miles at a height of. 100 to 90 miles above the earth, and in an E.N.E. direction. Thus its velocity seems to have exceeded 100 miles an hour. The Krakatão dust reached us in the same direction, its greatest height being 30 to 40 miles, and speed 72 miles per hour. A greater speed at greater altitude quite agrees with theoretical probabilities, although the increase seems very great. Read more