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TOPIC: Extrasolar Planets


Posts: 131433
RE: Extrasolar Planets

The real estate in our corner of the universe suddenly seems so much bigger. Australian astronomers are among an international team that has announced the discovery of 28 more planets in our galaxy.
Spotted in the past year, they raise the number of worlds known to circle other stars to 236 - a 12 per cent increase.
Although most of the new finds are probably giant balls of gas, more like Jupiter than Earth, the leader of the Australian team, Chris Tinney, said the increasing pace of discovery strongly boosted chances that the galaxy was swarming with much smaller, rocky and potentially habitable worlds too small to detect with existing technology.

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Posts: 131433

Title: The transiting planet OGLE-TR-132b revisited with new spectroscopy and deconvolution photometry
Authors: M. Gillon (1, 2), F. Pont (1), C. Moutou (3), N. C. Santos (1, 4, 5), F. Bouchy (6), J. D. Hartman (7), M. Mayor (1), C. Melo (8), D. Queloz (1), S. Udry (1), P. Magain (2) ((1) Geneva Observatory, Switzerland, (2) IAGL, Liege University, Belgium, (3) LAM, France, (4) Lisbona Observatory, Portugal, (5) CGE, Portugal, (6) IAP, Pierre & Marie Curie University, France, (7) Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, USA, (8) ESO, Chile)
(Version v2)

OGLE-TR-132b transits a very metal-rich F dwarf about 2000 pc from the Sun, in the Galactic disc towards Carina. It orbits very close to its host star (a = 0.03 AU) and has an equilibrium temperature of nearly 2000 K. Using rapid-cadence transit photometry from the FORS2 camera on the VLT and SUSI2 on the NTT, and high-resolution spectroscopy with UVES on the VLT, we refine the shape of the transit light curve and the parameters of the system. In particular, we improve the planetary radius estimate, R=1.18 ± 0.07 R_J and provide very precise ephemeris, T_tr=2453142.59123 ± 0.0003 BJD and P=1.689868 ± 0.000003 days. The obtained planetary mass is 1.14 ± 0.12 M_J. Our results give a slightly smaller and lighter star, and bigger planet, than previous values. As the VLT/FORS2 light curve obtained in this analysis with the deconvolution photometry algorithm DECPHOT shows a transit depth in disagreement with the one obtained by a previous study using the same data, we analyse them with two other reduction methods (aperture and image subtraction). The light curves obtained with the three methods are in good agreement, though deconvolution-based photometry is significantly more precise. It appears from these results that the smaller transit depth obtained in the previous study was due to a normalisation problem inherent to the reduction procedure used.

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Posts: 131433
HD 155358

University of Texas at Austin astronomers William Cochran and Michael Endl, working with graduate students Robert Wittenmyer and Jacob Bean, have used the 9.2-meter Hobby-Eberly Telescope (HET) at McDonald Observatory to discover a system of two Jupiter-like planets orbiting a star whose composition might seem to rule out planet formation. This NASA-funded study has implications for theories of planet formation.
Cochran and Endl have been monitoring the star, HD 155358, since 2001 using the High Resolution Spectrograph on HET. Their measurements of its "radial velocity," or motion toward and away from Earth, show that the star has a wobble in its motion, which is caused by unseen companions tugging on the star.
HD 155358 is slightly hotter than the Sun, but a bit less massive. Most important, it only contains 20 percent as much of the chemical elements called "metals"elements heavier than hydrogen or heliumas the Sun. Along with one other star (called HD 47536), it contains the fewest metals of any star found to harbour planets.

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Posts: 131433
SARG Planet Search

Title: The SARG Planet Search
Authors: S. Desidera, R. Gratton, M. Endl, A.F. Martinez Fiorenzano, M. Barbieri, R. Claudi, R. Cosentino, S. Scuderi, M. Bonavita

In this chapter of the book "Planets in binaries" we summarise our recent work on the statistical properties of planets in binaries and the differences with respect to planets orbiting single stars. We then present the radial velocity planet search on moderately wide binaries with similar components (twins) ongoing at TNG using the high resolution spectrograph SARG. We discuss the sample selection, the observing and analysis procedures, and the preliminary results of the radial velocity monitoring. We also discuss the second major science goal of the SARG survey, the search for abundance anomalies caused by the ingestion of planetary material by the central star, considering the two samples of twins and the planet hosts in binaries with similar components. Finally, we present some preliminary conclusions on the frequency of planets in binary systems.

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Posts: 131433
HD 155358

Title: A Planetary System Around HD 155358: The Lowest Metallicity Planet Host Star
Authors: William D. Cochran, Michael Endl, Robert A. Wittenmyer, Jacob L. Bean

We report the detection of two planetary mass companions to the solar-type star HD 155358. The two planets have orbital periods of 195.0 and 530.3 days, with eccentricities of 0.11 and 0.18. The minimum masses for these planets are 0.89 and 0.50 Jupiter masses respectively. The orbits are close enough to each other, and the planets are sufficiently massive, that the planets are gravitationally interacting with each other, with their eccentricities and arguments of periastron varying with periods of 2300--2700 years. While large uncertainties remain in the orbital eccentricities, our orbital integration calculations indicate that our derived orbits would be dynamically stable for at least 10^8 years. With a metallicity [Fe/H] of -0.68, HD 155358 is tied with the K1III giant planet host star HD 47536 for the lowest metallicity of any planet host star yet found. Thus, a star with only 21% of the heavy-element content of our Sun was still able to form a system of at least two Jovian-mass planets and have their orbits evolve to semi-major axes of 0.6-1.2 AU.

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Posts: 131433
SuperWASP-N Extra-solar Planet Candidates

Title: SuperWASP-N Extra-solar Planet Candidates Between 18hr < RA < 21hr
Authors: R.A. Street, D.J. Christian, W.I. Clarkson, A. Collier Cameron, B. Enoch, S.R. Kane, T.A. Lister, R.G. West, D.M. Wilson, A. Evans, A. Fitzsimmons, C.A. Haswell, C. Hellier, S.T. Hodgkin, K. Horne, J. Irwin, F.P. Keenan, A.J. Norton, J. Osborne, D.L. Pollacco, R. Ryans, I. Skillen, P.J. Wheatley, J. Barnes

The SuperWASP-I instrument observed 6.7 million stars between 8-15 mag from La Palma during the 2004 May-September season. Our transit-hunting algorithm selected 11,626 objects from the 184,442 stars within the range RA 18hr-21hr. We describe our thorough selection procedure whereby catalogue information is exploited along with careful study of the SuperWASP data to filter out, as far as possible, transit mimics. We have identified 35 candidates which we recommend for follow-up observations.

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Title: SuperWASP-North Extrasolar Planet Candidates. Candidates from Fields 17hr < RA < 18hr
Authors: T. A. Lister, R. G. West, D. M. Wilson, A. Collier Cameron, W. I. Clarkson, R. A. Street, B. Enoch, N. R. Parley, D. J. Christian, S. R. Kane, A. Evans, A. Fitzsimmons, C. A. Haswell, C. Hellier, S. T. Hodgkin, Keith Horne, J. Irwin, F. P. Keenan, A. J. Norton, J. Osborne, D. L. Pollacco, R. Ryans, I. Skillen, P. J. Wheatley, J. R. Barnes

We have performed photometric observations of nearly 7 million stars with 8 < V < 15 with the SuperWASP-North instrument from La Palma between 2004 May-September. Fields in the RA range 17-18hr, yielding over 185,000 stars with sufficient quality data, have been searched for transits using a modified box least-squares (BLS) algorithm. We find a total of 58 initial transiting candidates which have high S/N in the BLS, show multiple transit-like dips and have passed visual inspection. Analysis of the blending and inferred planetary radii for these candidates leaves a total of 7 transiting planet candidates which pass all the tests plus 4 which pass the majority. We discuss the derived parameters for these candidates and their properties and comment on the implications for future transit searches.

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Posts: 131433
RE: Extrasolar Planets


An artist's conception shows the ice world OGLE-2005-BLG-390Lb with its home star in the distance. The star is about a fifth the mass of our sun, and the planet is about five and a half times as massive as Earth.
Credit ESO



Posts: 131433

A planet orbiting a nearby star is a water world, according to new research from a team of European astronomers which is published in the journal Astronomy and Astrophysics.
The planet was first discovered in 2004, orbiting a red dwarf star called GJ436, which is some 30 light years from the Sun. Its mass is 22 times that of the Earth and it orbits its star every 2.6 days at a distance of 4 million km.

Une équipe dastronomes menée par un chercheur de lUniversité de Liège a mesuré le transit dune petite planète de la taille de Neptune en dehors de notre système solaire. La mesure de ce transit permet pour la première fois daccéder à la structure dune planète de petite taille, et a mis en évidence le fait quelle est composée principalement deau, comme Uranus et Neptune.

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Posts: 131433
GJ 436

Astronomers can learn a lot more by watching "transits" of planets that pass in front of their parent stars as seen from Earth. Careful analysis of the dimming this causes can provide clues to the planet's composition and structure. But the brightness dips are small and difficult to detect for all but the largest planets.
Now, astronomers have observed the smallest ever transiting planet. It has turned out to be a strange world, unlike anything seen before.
The planet, which orbits a small star located 30 light years from Earth called GJ 436, was actually discovered in 2004 using the radial velocity method. At that point, astronomers deduced that it was about as massive as Neptune.

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Posts: 131433
GJ 436 b

Title: Detection of transits of the nearby hot Neptune GJ 436 b
Authors: M. Gillon (1, 2), F. Pont (1), B.-O. Demory (1), F. Mallmann (3), M. Mayor, T. Mazeh (4), D. Queloz (1), A. Shporer (4), S. Udry (1), C. Vuissoz (5) ((1) Observatoire de Geneve, Universite de Geneve, 1290 Sauverny, Switzerland, (2) Institut d'Astrophysique et de Geophysique, Universite de Liege, 4000 Liege, Belgium, (3) Observatoire Francois-Xavier Bagnoud - OFXB, 3961 Saint-Luc, Switzerland, (4) School of Physics and Astronomy, Raymond and Beverly Sackler Faculty of Exact Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel, (5) Laboratoire d'Astrophysique, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), Observatoire, 1290 Sauverny, Switzerland)

This Letter reports on the photometric detection of transits of the Neptune-mass planet orbiting the nearby M-dwarf star GJ 436. It is by far the closest, smallest and least massive transiting planet detected so far. Its mass is slightly larger than Neptune's at M = 22.6 ± 1.9 M_earth. The shape and depth of the transit lightcurves show that it is crossing the host star disc near its limb (impact parameter 0.84 ± 0.03) and that the planet size is comparable to that of Uranus and Neptune, R = 25200 ± 2200 km = 3.95 ± 0.35 R_earth. Its main constituent is therefore very likely to be water ice. If the current planet structure models are correct, an outer layer of H/He constituting up to ten percent in mass is probably needed on top of the ice to account for the observed radius.

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Planetary mass-radius diagram (adapted from Fortney et al. 2007) comparing the position of Solar System planets, transiting hot Jupiters (diamonds), and GJ 436 b. The lines indicate the position of the Fortney et al. models for different compositions: pure iron, pure silicate, pure water ice (with thermal profiles from Solar System planets), and models for irradiated planets at 0.1 AU from a Solar-type star with a fraction of 10%, 50% and 100% of Hydrogen/Helium. The dotted lines show the models for a cold (a = 10 AU) and very hot (a = 0.02 AU) pure H/He gas giant.

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