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TOPIC: Extrasolar Planets


Posts: 131433
RE: Extrasolar Planets

Title: HAT-P-7b: An Extremely Hot Massive Planet Transiting a Bright Star in the Kepler Field
Authors: A. Pal (1,2), G. A. Bakos (1,3), G. Torres (1), R. W. Noyes (1), D. W. Latham (1), Geza Kovacs (4), G. W. Marcy (5), D. A. Fischer (6), R. P. Butler (7), D. D. Sasselov (1), B. Sipocz (2,1), G. A. Esquerdo (1), Gabor Kovacs (1), R. Stefanik (1), J. Lazar (8), I. Papp (8), P. Sari (8) ((1) CfA, (2) Department of Astronomy, Eotvos Lorand University, (3) NSF Fellow, (4) Konkoly Observatory, (5) Department of Astronomy, UC Berkeley, (6) Department of Physics and Astronomy, San Francisco State University, (7) Department of Terrestrial Magnetism, Carnegie Institute of Washington, (8) Hungarian Astronomical Association)

We report on the latest discovery of the HATNet project; a very hot giant planet orbiting a bright (V = 10.5) star with a small semi-major axis of a = 0.0377 ±0.0005 AU. Ephemeris for the system is P = 2.2047299 ±0.0000040 days, mid-transit time E = 2,453,790.2593 ±0.0010 (BJD). Based on the available spectroscopic data on the host star and photometry of the system, the planet has a mass of Mp = 1.78±^{0.08}_{0.05} MJup and radius of Rp = 1.36±^{0.20}_{0.09} RJup. The parent star is a slightly evolved F6 star with M = 1.47±^{0.08}_{-0.05} Msun,R = 1.84±^{0.23}_{0.11} Rsun, Teff = 6350 ±80 K, and metallicity [Fe/H] = +0.26 ±0.08. The relatively hot and large host star, combined with the close orbit of the planet, yield a very high planetary irradiance of (4.71±^{1.44}_{0.05}) 10^9 erg cm^{-2}s^{-1}, which places the planet near the top of the pM class of irradiated planets as defined by Fortney et al. (2007). If as predicted by Fortney et al. (2007) the planet re-radiates its absorbed energy before distributing it to the night side, the day-side temperature should be about (2730±^{150}_{100}) K. Because the host star is quite bright, measurement of the secondary eclipse should be feasible for ground-based telescopes, providing a good opportunity to compare the predictions of current hot Jupiter atmospheric models with the observations. Moreover, the host star falls in the field of the upcoming Kepler mission; hence extensive space-borne follow-up, including not only primary transit and secondary eclipse observations but also asteroseismology, will be possible.

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Posts: 131433

Tiny versions of Jupiter, Saturn and our sun have been discovered about 5,000 light years away, according to astronomers.
The astronomers, including a team at Ohio State University, were able to see the two planets and star by using a technique called gravitational microlensing, which occurs when an object such as a planet or star crosses between another star and Earth.

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Posts: 131433

Earth-like planets may have formed around most of the Milky Ways Sun-like stars, according to research that shortens the odds on the discovery of extra-terrestrial life.
Observations using Nasas Spitzer Space Telescope have found that at least 20 per cent and perhaps as many as 60 per cent of our galaxys Sun-like stars are good candidates for having rocky planets of the sort that can harbour life.

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Posts: 131433

Rocky planets, possibly with conditions suitable for life, may be more common than previously thought in our galaxy, a study has found.
New evidence suggests more than half the Sun-like stars in the Milky Way could have similar planetary systems.

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Posts: 131433

Astronomers have discovered that terrestrial planets might form around many, if not most, of the nearby sun-like stars in our galaxy. These new results suggest that worlds with potential for life might be more common than we thought.
University of Arizona, Tucson, astronomer Michael Meyer and his colleagues used NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope to determine whether planetary systems like ours are common or rare in our Milky Way galaxy. They found that at least 20 percent, and possibly as many as 60 percent, of stars similar to the sun are candidates for forming rocky planets.

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Posts: 131433

Title: New Solutions for the Planetary Dynamics in HD160691 using a Newtonian Model and Latest Data
Authors: D. Short, G. Windmiller, J. A. Orosz

 In this letter we present several new three and four-planet solutions based on the most current available radial velocity data for HD160691 (mu Ara). These solutions are optimised using the Planetary Orbit Fitting Process (POFP) which is programmed and executed in MATLAB. POFP is based on a full integration of the system's multiple-body Newtonian equations of motion and on a multi level optimisation utilizing a variety of algorithms. The POFP solutions are presented in the context of the Keplerian-based solutions already appearing in the literature which we have reproduced here for comparison. The different solutions and their properties are compared over all data sets separately and combined. The new solutions do not seem to exhibit instabilities and are both co-planar and three-dimensional. We also provide a comparative prediction of the published and new solutions showing their diversion in the near future. In the short term, this projection will allow to choose between the variety of solutions as further observations are made.

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Posts: 131433

Title: The University of New South Wales Extrasolar Planet Search: a catalogue of variable stars from fields observed 2004--2007
Authors: J.L. Christiansen, A. Derekas, L.L. Kiss, M.C.B. Ashley, S.J. Curran, D.W. Hamacher, M.G. Hidas, M.R. Thompson, J.K. Webb, T.B. Young

We present a new catalogue of variable stars compiled from data taken for the University of New South Wales Extrasolar Planet Search. From 2004 October to 2007 May, 25 target fields were each observed for 1-4 months, resulting in ~87000 high precision light curves with 1600-4400 data points. We have extracted a total of 850 variable light curves, 659 of which do not have a counterpart in either the General Catalogue of Variable Stars, the New Suspected Variables catalogue or the All Sky Automated Survey southern variable star catalogue. The catalogue is detailed here, and includes 142 Algol-type eclipsing binaries, 23 beta Lyrae-type eclipsing binaries, 218 contact eclipsing binaries, 53 RR Lyrae stars, 26 Cepheid stars, 13 rotationally variable active stars, 153 uncategorised pulsating stars with periods <10 d, including delta Scuti stars, and 222 long period variables with variability on timescales of >10 d. As a general application of variable stars discovered by extrasolar planet transit search projects, we discuss several astrophysical problems which could benefit from carefully selected samples of bright variables. These include: (i) the quest for contact binaries with the smallest mass ratio, which could be used to test theories of binary mergers; (ii) detached eclipsing binaries with pre-main-sequence components, which are important test objects for calibrating stellar evolutionary models; and (iii) RR Lyrae-type pulsating stars exhibiting the Blazhko-effect, which is one of the last great mysteries of pulsating star research.

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Posts: 131433

Title: Migration and Final Location of Hot Super Earths in the Presence of Gas Giants
Authors: Ji-Lin Zhou, Douglas N.C. Lin

Based on the conventional sequential-accretion paradigm, we have proposed that, during the migration of first-born gas giants outside the orbits of planetary embryos, super Earth planets will form inside the 2:1 resonance location by sweeping of mean motion resonances (Zhou et al. 2005). In this paper, we study the subsequent evolution of a super Earth (m_1) under the effects of tidal dissipation and perturbation from a first-born gas giant (m_2) in an outside orbit. Secular perturbation and mean motion resonances (especially 2:1 and 5:2 resonances) between m_1 and m_2 excite the eccentricity of m_1, which causes the migration of m_1 and results in a hot super Earth. The calculated final location of the hot super Earth is independent of the tidal energy dissipation factor Q'. The study of migration history of a Hot Super Earth is useful to reveal its Q' value and to predict its final location in the presence of one or more hot gas giants. When this investigation is applied to the GJ876 system, it correctly reproduces the observed location of GJ876d around 0.02AU.

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Posts: 131433
HD 74156

Astronomer Rory Barnes at the University of Arizona has become the first to find a planet outside our solar system by predicting its location in advance.
That hasnt happened since astronomers found Neptune in our own solar system in the year 1846. Barnes said more planets will be found orbiting distant stars as long as theres room for them to form.

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Posts: 131433
RE: Extrasolar Planets

Title: Microlensing Search for Planets with Two Simultaneously Rising Suns
Authors: Cheongho Han

Among more than 200 extrasolar planet candidates discovered to date, there is no known planet orbiting around normal binary stars. In this paper, we demonstrate that microlensing is a technique that can detect such planets. Microlensing discoveries of these planets are possible because the planet and host binary stars produce perturbations at a common region around centre of mass of the binary stars and thus the signatures of both planet and binary can be detected in the light curves of high-magnification microlensing events. The ranges of the planetary and binary separations of systems for optimal detection vary depending on the planet mass. For a Jupiter-mass planet, we find that high detection efficiency is expected for planets located in the range of  ~ 1 AU -- 5 AU from the binary stars which are separated by ~ 0.15 AU -- 0.5 AU

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