Title: The Fireball of December 9, 1965-Part I Authors: Chamberlain, V. D. & Krause, D. J.
At about 4:43 p.m. E.S.T. on Thursday, December 9, 1965 a brilliant fireball was observed over a wide area, including portions of at least six states and Ontario, centred north of the western end of Lake Erie.
On December 9, 1965 at about 4:43 p.m. E. S. T. shortly before sunset, people were engaged in their usual pursuits, but for some the routine was momentarily interrupted by a most exciting event - a brilliant ball of fire, rocketing through the daylight sky. Even though lasting only a few seconds, people in seven states and a section of Canada saw it. Those facing the right direction and having a clear view saw it best. Others had their attention prompted by a startled exclamation: "look", or by a bright reflection off a window. Some reported their shadow appeared faintly before them, then turned to look skyward. Read more (PDF)