Title: Bright Meteor (?) in North Carolina, December 20, 1893 Publication: Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Vol. 6, No. 34, p.47
"There was a remarkable spectacle in the sky, a little south of east, early this morning, which greatly frightened the negroes. About 3 o'clock a luminous mass, about the size of a barrel, was seen in the sky, at an altitude of about 20 degrees above the horizon. It was dazzlingly white, and from its upper portion a shaft of light rose to a great height. As daylight came this shaft assumed a zigzag form. It was 6.15 o'clock when the luminous object disappeared, appearing to sink. Negroes in the country ran to the houses of white people and told them of the spectacle in the sky, and confessed their fright. Many people in this city saw the strange sight."