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Post Info TOPIC: November 2014


Posts: 131433
RE: November 2014

The Moon Occults Uranus at ~04:18 UT, 4th November 




Posts: 131433

The lunar Golden Handle is visible between 14:40 (2nd) to 00:10 UT, 3rd November



Posts: 131433

Asteroids at Opposition

Asteroid (78) Diana is at Opposition in the constellation Aries on the 3rd November 2014.
Magnitude: 11.4
Distance to Earth: 1.492 AU
Distance to Sun: 2.468 AU

Asteroid (245) Vera is at Opposition in the constellation Aries on the 3rd November 2014.
Magnitude: 10.9
Distance to Earth: 1.515 AU
Distance to Sun: 2.506 AU

Asteroid (52) Europa is at Opposition in the constellation Cetus on the 5th November 2014.
Magnitude: 10.5
Distance to Earth: 1.974 AU
Distance to Sun: 2.953 AU

Asteroid (130) Elektra is at Opposition in the constellation Eridani on the 9th November 2014.
Magnitude: 11.0
Distance to Earth: 1.648 AU
Distance to Sun: 2.518 AU

Asteroid (6) Hebe is at Opposition in the constellation Eridani on the 15th November 2014.
Magnitude: 8.1
Distance to Earth: 1.070 AU
Distance to Sun: 1.997 AU



Posts: 131433

Meteor Showers

There are many minor meteor showers this month...
The northern Taurids and southern Taurids started to become active about October 1st, but do not reach maximums until early November. Both have fairly slow meteors, with the northern Taurids velocity at 29 km per second, and the southern at 27 km per second. 
The Taurids produce bright slow moving orange fireballs. 
At maximum in November, both showers will peak at about ZHR rates of 5 meteors per hour. 
The Southern Taurids will peak around the 5th November and the Northern Taurids the 12th November. Both these meteor showers are part of the Taurid stream which in turn has been associated with Comet Encke.
Late Orionid rates typically continue until about November 7, long after their October peak, for post-midnight observers. In early November their radiant lies a few degrees east of the second magnitude star Geminorum. The Leonid Meteor Shower is one of the better meteor showers to observe, producing an average of 60 meteors per hour at their peak. 

ShowerActivity PeriodMaximumRadiantVelocityZHR
Northern TauridsOct 1 - NovNovember3.2h17.5°29km/s5
Southern TauridsOct 1 - NovNovember  27km/s5
LeonidsNov 17-21Nov 17 - 19    
November MonocerotidsNovNov 227.3h-6.1°55km/s92.2
Theta OphiuchidsNovNov 2917.4h-11.3°11.1km/s9.4



Posts: 131433

Deep-sky objects for November: 

Andromeda: M 31 M 32
Cepheus: NGC7354 NGC7380 NGC7419 NGC7510 
Cygnus: NGC6819 
Lyra: M56 M57 NGC6791 
Pegasus: NGC7814
Perseus: M76
Triangulum: M33



Halloween, the word itself, is a contracted corruption of All Hallows Eve. It actually has its origins in the Celtic New Year. The holiday was  called Samhain (Sah-ween). The date marked the beginning of winter. The Celts believed that at the time of Samhain, more so than any other time of the year, the ghosts of the dead were able to mingle with the living, because at Samhain the souls of those who had died during the year travelled into the other world. People gathered to sacrifice animals, fruits, and vegetables. They also lit bonfires in honour of the dead, to aid them on their journey. Here are a few deepsky objects to look out for:

In AquilaNGC6781 "The Ghost of the Moon Nebula"
In CetusNGC246 called "The Skull Nebula".
In Bootes (abbreviated BOO), you may find The Spider Galaxy, NGC5829 .

Leonid Meteor Shower
 The Leonids is one of the better meteor showers to observe, producing an average of 60 meteors per hour at their peak. The shower itself has a cyclic peak year every 33 years where hundreds of meteors can be seen each hour. The last of these showers occurred in 2001. The shower peaks this year on November 19. Look for the shower radiating from the constellation Leo after midnight.

The Pleiades
In the evening sky you'll see the wonderful gem of an "open cluster" rising in the East. As Tennyson said "The Pleiads , rising thro' the mellow shade, Glitter like a swarm of fireflies Tangled in a silver braid...".
Nearly every culture mentions the Pleiades in some respect. Chinese writings appear to mention it from 2357 BC. American Indian folklore of the Kiowa talks of the "Seven Maidens" who where protected from giant bears by their placement in the skies. To the Japanese, they are called "Subaru".



Posts: 131433

Other notable Messier objects

M57 This smallest planetary nebula in the Messier Catalogue is the famous Ring nebula in the constellation Lyra. Low power telescope views show a very small blue/green disk, not much bigger than a star. Medium to high power will magnify the size of the nebula while leaving the surrounding stars the same size, confirming you have found it. Can be seen in binoculars as a faint star like point of light.
M56 Also in the constellation of Lyra we find our first globular cluster of the night. In a telescope look for a small round ball of light, slightly brighter in the center. This is a difficult binocular object appearing as a small fuzzy patch.
M27 Also known as the Dumbbell nebula, the largest planetary nebula in the Messier Catalogue, M27 lies in the constellation Vulpecula. Fairly easy to see in binoculars as a small hazy patch. In small to medium scopes it appears as a rectangular patch of light. In large scopes it may even appear round in shape with a bright rectangular, or dumbbell shaped core.
M71 Lying in Sagitta, this globular cluster appears as a faint oval hazy patch of light in a telescope. This is a very difficult but possible binocular object, requiring dark skies and trained eyes.
M30 This globular cluster in Capricornus is tough but very possible to see in binoculars as a faint fuzzy star. Telescopes show a small fuzzy ball of light, bright in the center fading to the edges.
M72 This is a small faint globular cluster in Aquarius. Look for a faint oval patch of light, gradually brighter towards
the middle. A very difficult binocular object.
M73 This asterism is located near M72 in Aquarius. In a low power telescope view it looks like a very small fuzzy
patch of light at first glance. When stared at it reveals itself as a small collection of stars. Medium to high power shows the view best described by Messier "cluster of three or four stars...containing very little nebulosity"

Lyra contains the bright star Vega, the fifth brightest star in the sky. It is a blue-white star, magnitude of 0.03, that lies 26 light years away. Vega is a young star only a few hundred million years old, and is surrounded by a cold,dark protoplanetary disc

Nearby, a pair of binoculars will show the lovely double-double starsystem called Epsilon Lyrae up and to the left of Vega.

Capricornus, the Sea Goat Sign of the Zodiac for birth dates between 22 December and 19 January; it is the leading constellation of the "wet" or "water" constellations. Capricornus has a symmetrical shape resembling a bikini bottom, but the stars of Capricornus are very faint with no star brighter than the third magnitude. Capricornus appears low in the southern sky (never at higher altitudes). The Tropic of Capricorn (23.5 degrees South latitude) is named after Capricornus; on 22 December (on average), the Sun is directly overhead (at the zenith) at Noon along the Tropic of Capricorn. In Mythology, the Greeks identified Capricornus with Pan, the god of nature, who was pictured as half-man, half-goat. In fear, Pan escaped the giant Typhon by leaping into the Nile River and changing his tail to that of a fish. This is the origin of the word, "panic."



Posts: 131433

Mercury: at magnitude -0.5, starts the month in the constellation of Virgo. Mercury is at its Greatest Elongation (18.7° W) on the 1st. Mercury is close to Spica on the 4th November.
(On November 1st, RA=13h16m59s  Dec= -5°50.5' (J2000) Distance=0.978AU  Phase k=55%  Diameter=6.9")

Venus: is at magnitude -3.9. The planet is in the morning skies in the constellation Libra at the start of the month. Venus is in conjunction (separation 1.5°) with Saturn on the 13th November.
(On November 1st, RA=14h32m56s  Dec=-14°10.8' (J2000) Distance=1.715AU  Phase k=99%  Diameter=9.7")



The Moon: First Quarter Moon at 10:06.3 UT, 29th November. Lunar perigee is at 00:37.3 UT, 3rd and at 23:04.6 UT, 27th. Full moon at 22:22.8 UT, 6th.  Last Quarter Moon is at 15:15.5 UT, 14th. Lunar apogee is at 01:56.4 UT, 15th. New Moon is at 12:32.3 UT, 22nd November. 

Mars: at magnitude 0.9 starts the month in the constellation Sagittarius. Mars is in conjunction with Pluto on the 10th November.
(On November 1st, RA=18h16m19s  Dec=-24°53.6' (J2000) Distance=1.686AU  Phase k=90%  Diameter=5.6")

Jupiter: is in the constellation Leo. At magnitude -2.1, the planet is observable in the morning sky this month. 

Transit times of Jupiter's satellites and the Great Red Spot are posted in separate threads.
(On November 1st, RA= 9h31m15s  Dec=+15°20.4' (J2000) Distance=5.416AU  Diameter=36.3")

Saturn: at magnitude 0.5 sits in the constellation Libra. Saturn's rings are tilted ~17 degrees to our line of sight. Saturn is in Conjunction on the 18th. Mercury is close to (separation 1.6°) Saturn on the 26th.
(On November 1st, RA=15h27m29s  Dec=-16°50.3' (J2000) Distance=10.899AU  Diameter=15.2")

Uranus: is in the constellation Pisces. Uranus at magnitude 5.7, has a bluish-green hue and appears 3.6 arcseconds wide.  
(On November 1st, RA= 0h50m18s  Dec= +4°38.2' (J2000) Distance=19.105AU  Diameter=3.7")

Neptune: is at magnitude 7.8 in the constellation Aquarius. Neptune is Stationary (becoming Prograde) on the 16th November.
(On November 1st, RA=22h27m09s  Dec=-10°30.0' (J2000) Distance=29.513AU  Diameter=2.3")

Pluto: is in the constellation Sagittarius (mag 14.1). Normally, a finder chart is necessary to help in identifying the 0.13" diameter dwarf planet. 

The Sun enters the zodiac sign of Sagittarius at 09:38 UT on the 22nd November 2014.

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