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Post Info TOPIC: June 2015


Posts: 131433
June 2015

Mercury: at magnitude 3.0, starts the month in the constellation of Taurus. Mercury is at Aphelion on the 2nd. Mercury is occulted by the Moon on the 15th. The planet is 1.8°N of Aldebaran on the 23rd. Mercury is at Greatest Elongation (22.5°W) on the 24th. Mercury is at Dichotomy (Half phase) on the 30th.
(On June 22nd, RA= 4h28m26s  Dec=+17°59.5' (J2000) Distance=0.780AU  Phase k=30%  Diameter=8.6")

Venus: is at magnitude -4.4. The planet is in constellation Gemini at the start of the month. It is best seen from 06:35 - 00:10 UT.  Venus is at Dichotomy (Half phase) and at Greatest Elongation (45.4°E) on the 6th. Venus is 2° from the Beehive cluster on the 13th. Venus is 5.8° from the Moon on the 20th.
(On June 1st, RA= 7h50m48s  Dec=+23°41.2' (J2000) Distance=0.756AU   Phase k=52%  Diameter=22.1")



Earth: The Solstice on June 21st (16:38 UT) marks the official start of summer. 

The Moon:  Full moon is at 16:19.0 UT, 2nd June. Last Quarter Moon is at 15:41.8 UT, 9th. Lunar perigee is at 04:41.2 UT, 10th June.  The New Moon is at 14:05.3 UT, 16th June. Lunar apogee is at 17:01.5 UT, 23rd June.  First Quarter Moon is at 11:02.5 UT, 24th.

Mars: at magnitude 1.5 starts the month in the constellation Taurus.  Mars is in Conjunction with Sun on the 14th. The start of Martian northern Spring is on the 18th.
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Jupiter: is in the constellation Cancer. At magnitude -2.0, the planet is lost to the evening glare this month. The Moons is close (4.7°) to Jupiter on the 20th.

Transit times of the Great Red Spot are posted in a separate thread.
(On June 1st, RA= 9h16m34s  Dec=+16°45.5' (J2000) Distance=5.690AU  Diameter=34.6")

Saturn: at magnitude 0.1 sits in the constellation Libra. The planet is best seen from 21;10 - 03:00 UT.  The Moon is ~2.0° from Saturn on the 1st, and on the 29th. Saturns rings are tilted about 24° this month.
(On June 1st, RA=15h56m19s  Dec=-18°10.8' (J2000) Distance=8.978AU   Diameter=18.4")

Uranus: is in the constellation Pisces. Uranus at magnitude 5.9, has a bluish-green hue and appears 3.3 arcseconds wide.   Uranus is occulted by the Moon on the 11th June 2015.

Neptune: is at magnitude 7.9 in the constellation Aquarius. The planet is best seen the morning sky. Neptune is Stationary, assuming Retrograde motion on the 12th.

Pluto: is in the constellation Sagittarius (mag 14.0). Normally, a finder chart is necessary to help in identifying the 0.13" diameter dwarf planet.

The Sun enters the zodiac sign of Cancer at 16:38 UT on the 21st June, 2015.


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