The last comet discovered in South Africa, Comet D/1978 R1 (Haneda-Campos), was co-discovered by Jose da Silva Campos, observing from Durban on 1st September 1978, and an astronomer in Japan, Toshio Haneda. Source
Comet D/1978 R1 (Haneda-Campos) is a lost periodic comet belonging to the Jupiter family of comets. It has not been recovered during the last six perihelion dates. The comet was originally co-discovered on September 1, 1978 by two amateur astronomers; Toshio Haneda in Japan, and Jose da Silva Campos, who co-discovered it from Durban, South Africa. Following the announcement of the discovery, prediscovery images from August 10, 1978 and August 9, 1978 were recovered.
If the comet still exists it would reach perihelion on the 11th November 2016.
The comet may be the parent body of the October Capricornids meteor shower.