Venus makes its closest approach to the Earth (Distance: 0.281 AU) at 01:55 UT, 25th March 2017.
Venus is at inferior conjunction at 10:20 UT, 25th March 2017.
Maximum westerly lunar libration is at 23:24 UT, 24th March 2017.
Mercury is at perihelion at ~13:50 UT 23rd March 2017
The last quarter Moon is near Saturn at 12:20 UT, 20th March 2017.
The Sun enters the zodiac sign of Aries at 10:29 UT, 20th March 2017.
Spring Equinox is at 10:29 UT, 20th March 2017.
Mercury is in conjunction with Venus (separation 8.5°) at 12:27 UT, 18th March 2017.