Following the announcement from November, YouTube started to test higher quality videos. If you append &fmt=6 to the URL of a YouTube video, you should get better quality videos. Note that this only works for a small number of videos.
Windows Live SkyDrive. Store files online for yourself. 5 GB, Password-protected online file storage for your favourite documents, pictures, and other files. Personal folders available on different computers.
YouTube users in the UK will be given the chance to make money from the videos they post on the site. The project is already up and running in the US and is now being extended to other countries, starting in the UK. In the US some contributors are already earning thousands of dollars each month from their films, according to the video-sharing site. The amount that is earned will depend on the number and popularity of the videos, it said.
Gawker Media dark overlord Nick Denton (pictured) has launched a new pay system for all Gawker Media blogs, after testing it at four of his leading sites. Denton's goal is to discourage "self indulgent" posts and "mind-numbing frequency" in favour of "linkworthy material, by which I mean a secret memo, a spy photo, a chart, a well-argued rant, a list, an exclusive piece of news, a well-packaged find."
YouTube co-founder Steve Chen, speaking at the NewTeeVee Live conference today, confirmed that high-quality YouTube video streams will be available to everyone within three months..
YouTube has released a Windows desktop uploader. Users can now upload bulk files directly. The file size limit has also been raised from 100mb to 1 Gb, but the video length still remains at only 10 minutes.
The "Blogging on Peer-Reviewed Research" icons are for anyone to use to indicate when they're writing a thoughtful blog post about peer-reviewed research, not just a link to a news article or press release.
Online video leader YouTube on Monday rolled out long-awaited technology to automatically remove copyrighted clips, hoping to placate movie and television studios fed up with the Web site's persistent piracy problems. The filtering tools are designed so the owners of copyrighted video can block their material from appearing on YouTube.
"Thou shall post every day is the most fundamental and most well known principle of blogging....
Every new blogger is warned about the ultimate rule and is confronted with the pressure of a day going by with no new post. Every one has in mind the examples of successful bloggers, like Robert Scoble at Microsoft, who post several times a day. Daily posting shows that you are serious about blogging, generates traffic and drives reader loyalty, as readers come back daily to check your new posts. You cannot be successful if you do not go by the rule, right?
SBell, Inc. announced this week its newest free service, URLMasking service. The new service offering helps businesses, Websites, and Online marketers by offering a free URL masking, tracking and management service. This service is unique in that it offers the ability to mask the URL that youre marketing for affiliate marketers in two ways; one by taking your original URL and masking it and secondly by retaining that URL mask with the option of the actual URL you are masking being displayed or not in the browser address bar. This is a true asset to affiliate marketers and all Internet marketers in general. This online software application also provides a means of managing the URLs that you are using and provides tracking of each URL. Additionally, the creator of URL Masking, SBell, Inc. is also giving the software application for free that you can install on your own domains or website.