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Posts: 131433
Gruber Cosmology Prize 2012

 Gruber Cosmology Prize 2012 Awarded to Charles Bennett and the WMAP Team

Charles L. Bennett and the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) team are the recipients of the 2012 Cosmology Prize from the Gruber Foundation. They used observations of the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation to determine the Universe's age, content, geometry, and origin. This achievement has helped to transform cosmology into a precision science.
The 2012 Gruber Cosmology Prize recognises the astronomers for their vital contribution to the study of the properties of the Universe as a whole. The prize citation further recognises that the measurements of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) by Bennett and the WMAP team have helped to transform the current paradigm of the structure formation of the Universe from "appealing scenario into precise science".

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Posts: 131433

Almost 20 years of painstaking intergalactic measuring using pulsating stars to calculate the age of the universe has brought a $US500,000 ($630,000) payoff for three astronomers, including Australian Jeremy Mould.
Professor Mould, 59, of Melbourne University, is set to receive about $200,000 after he and two colleagues in the US and Britain were awarded the US-based Gruber Foundation's cosmology prize.
The award recognises their work in discovering one of the most important numbers in astronomy - the rate at which the universe is expanding.
Using data from the Hubble telescope, which was sent into orbit in 1990, the astronomers discovered over a period of 10 years almost 800 pulsating stars, known as Cepheid variables.

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Posts: 131433
Gruber International Prize

Freedman, Kennicutt and Mould share $500,000 Gruber Cosmology Prize
The 10th anniversary of the Gruber International Prize Program, which began with the Cosmology Prize in 2000, will be celebrated in July. This year the Cosmology Prize will be awarded to Freedman, Kennicutt and Mould for their outstanding work on resolving the value of the Hubble constant, the key determinant for how fast the Universe is expanding.

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Posts: 131433

University of Texas at Austin Astronomer Shares $500,000 International Cosmology Prize
University of Texas at Austin post-doctoral fellow Robert Quimby is among a group of scientists to receive this years Gruber Prize for Cosmology for the discovery that the universe is expanding at an accelerating rate.
The mysterious force behind the acceleration has been dubbed dark energy. The $500,000 prize will be divided among 53 scientists, mostly astronomers, composing two research groups.

I performed the fits to the data that actually showed the mysterious expansion force existed, although I was just an undergrad at the time and I didnt know what it meant or why it was a big deal. Im sure glad I took that summer job now - Robert Quimby.

Quimby was a member of the Supernova Cosmology Project team, headed by Saul Perlmutter of The University of California, Berkeley. Quimby worked on the project while an undergraduate at Berkeley and for two summers afterward (1997 to 2002). The teams 31 scientists hail from Australia, Chile, France, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States.
He will receive his share of the prize, about $4,000, at a ceremony in Cambridge, England, in September.
Quimby completed his Ph.D. in astronomy at The University of Texas at Austin in December 2006. He garnered considerable acclaim for his discovery that fall of a new type of supernova, the brightest yet on record. He will begin a post-doctoral appointment with the California Institute of Technology this September where he will continue his search for brilliant explosions.
The members of the Supernova Cosmology Project are sharing the Gruber Prize with the High-z Supernova Search team, headed by Brian Schmidt of the Australian National University. That teams 19 members come from the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Chile and Australia.
An accelerating universe was a crazy result that was hard to accept. Yet the two teams, racing neck and neck, simultaneously came to the same conclusion. Their discovery led to the idea of an expansion force, now known as dark energy. The two teams expected to find that the universe would either expand for a long while then contract, or it would expand forever but slow over the millennia.
To find out which, they not only needed to be able to measure the speed with which distant objects are travelling away from us, but also how far away they are. To measure the distance, they needed standardized light sources very bright ones that would be visible to Earth-based telescopes despite being billions of light years away and billions of years old.
The standard light sources they used were exploding stars in particular Type Ia supernovae. Finding them in the void at huge distances from Earth was not easy and the subsequent analyses turned up surprising results. For both teams it was not what they were expecting. For months they both tried to figure out where they had gone wrong, searching for any tiny source of error. In the end, the data were right. The accepted model of the universe was wrong, with dramatic implications. The acceleration suggests the fate of the universe is to just keep expanding, faster and faster.




Posts: 131433
COBE Dipole image



Posts: 131433


Astrophysicist Michael G. Hauser (Space Telescope Science Institute deputy director and adjunct professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Md.) is a member of the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) science team sharing the Peter Gruber Foundation's 2006 Cosmology Prize. The prize's gold medal and $250,000 cash prize was presented to team leader John Mather of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Centre and the COBE science working group, representing the large project team, on August 15 at the General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union in Prague, Czech Republic. The COBE satellite was launched in 1989 to measure the early universe's diffuse infrared and microwave radiation.

The COBE science team was honoured by the foundation for the satellite's multiple accomplishments.

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