Admire Meteorites
When a meteorite crashes to the earth it will generally break up in the atmosphere, spreading its pieces over a certain area in what is known as a strewn field. Two areas in Kansas have long been known among experts to be rich in meteorite materials from long ago. One is the Brenham strewn field near Gree...
Mendoza Meteor
Yesterday afternoon, near 19, the inhabitants of Mendoza, La Pampa, San Luis, and Cordoba saw a meteorite coming down the sky. It finally desintegrated with a loud explosion before it hit the earth. The object, which initially scared the residents, was seen yesterday in the General Alvear Depart...
Derry UFO
"It was around 9.30pm. It was a very clear night and I noticed a very bright orange ball of light which was travelling at a quick speed and it was bobbing around." Read more UFO over Derry, Irelan...
South Essex Meteor
Mystery surrounds sightings across south Essex of a "huge fireball" in the sky. Several residents say they saw what looked like a meteor above the county. Mum-of-two Emma Rowe, 32, of Downer Road North, Benfleet, watched the spectacle from her garden with her children at about 10pm on Sa...
Perm Fireball
Last Thursday evening, many citizens witnessed the mysterious phenomenon. In the sky appear very a bright object flying on unusual path. The Fireball disappeared just as suddenly appeared. Residents of the Perm witnessed the fall of the heavenly object. Some people took it to be a meteorite, some...
Michigan Fireball
Meteor Lights up Michigan Sky[url=http://www.9and10news.com/category/story/?id=167859]Read
Exeter UFO
Namibian Fireball
Die leuchtende Erscheinung am Himmel ist am vergangenen Samstagvormittag noch von vielen anderen Menschen sowie in verschiedenen Landesteilen Namibias gesehen worden. Nachdem die Windhoekerin Ingrid Bieker auf das Phänomen aufmerksam gemacht hat und einen Meteorit vermutete (AZ berichte...
Sylvan Lake incident
Divers recover large rock from Sylvan Lake A rock. A very large rock. Make it a rock with a hole drilled through it and a yellow nylon rope attached. Thats what divers pulled from the bottom of Sylvan Lake earlier this month in an attempt to put to rest mysteries surrounding the lake in Forest Lake and a Ju...
Sparkhill meteorite
Stargazing student Bruno Bertullo had a wish come true when what he believes to be a meteorite landed in his grandmother's back garden. He ran down to the garden in Blackford Road, Sparkhill, where he discovered an unusual looking rock. "I tried to touch it but it was very hot so I ran back into the...
Burton Fireball
A Burton security guard has claimed he saw an unexplained fireball fall from the sky while he was on duty. James Washington, of Kingston Road, Winshill, told the Mail how he was working in Draycott in the Clay when he saw a strange object in the shape of a fireball fall very fast from the sky at 8.24pm on Fr...
Tenerife collection
Seven meteorites from Tenerife's collection to appear in an international scientific catalogue Spanish scientist have incorporated seven meteorites from the Museum of Natural Sciences of Tenerife's collection into its Meteoritical Society's international catalogue - a scientific and mus...
Tumwater meteor
Sept. 16, 1859, edition of the Pioneer & Democrat "Yesterday our neighbourhood was startled with hearing and feeling a dreadful loud report, such as a large cannon nearby. I was in the field at the time, and went to the house where Mr. Krise was, who said that it shook the house. I called on Col...
Gujarat Fireball
Fireball sighted in northern Gujarat An unidentified fireball was sighted in northern part of Gujarat on Wednesday night. The soccer ballshaped revolving fire-ball was first reported to have been spotted in Palanpur region but was later confirmed to have been sighted by people in Sabarkantha. [...
British Columbia light
People in the capital region and the lower mainland reported seeing a strange bright light moving across the sky on Saturday night. Read more