Northrop Grumman Corporation is displaying a full-scale model of the James Webb Space Telescope on the National Mall in conjunction with Public Service Recognition Week from May 10 to May 12. The model will be on the Mall near the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum. The public is invited to view the full-scale, tennis-court sized model, talk to scientists about the next generation space telescope, learn about its mission, and build subscale Webb Telescope models using Lego(r) blocks.
A giant mirror that will fly on the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) - Nasa's next space observatory - is a step closer to completion. Engineers have finished making the 18 hexagonal elements that will come together to form the telescope's 6.6m primary mirror.
An important component of the James Webb Space Telescope, which officials feared might not be ready on time, has now been successfully tested. An array of 244,800 miniature trap doors that open and close to let in the light will allow the telescope to observe hundreds of objects simultaneously, say its creators.
NASA engineers and scientists building the James Webb Space Telescope have created a new telescope technology called "microshutters." Microshutters are tiny doorways the width of a few hairs that will allow the telescope to view the most distant stars and galaxies humans have ever seen.
The microshutters will enable scientists to mask unwanted light from foreground objects so the telescope can focus on the faint light of the first stars and galaxies that formed in the universe. Only the Webb Telescope has this technology. The Webb Telescope will launch in the next decade. In December 2006, the microshutters passed crucial environmental testing to demonstrate that they can withstand the rigors of launching and placement in deep space. NASA's Goddard Space Flight Centre, Greenbelt, Md., designed, tested and built the instrument technology. The microshutters will work in conjunction with the telescope's Near Infrared Spectrograph that is being built by the European Space Agency.
Avoiding Hubble trouble: The software plan for NASA's new space telescope James Webb Space Telescope to rely on IBM open standards software.
Though open standards has become common in the business sector, Matthews says this is the first time NASA has used the IBM Rational system. According to NASA, the James Webb Space Telescope will use several innovative technologies designed specifically for the project, including a folding, segmented primary mirror that will adjust to shape after launch; ultra-lightweight beryllium optics; detectors able to record extremely weak signals; and microshutters that enable programmable object selection for the spectrograph.
Title: The James Webb Space Telescope Authors: Jonathan P. Gardner, John C. Mather, Mark Clampin, Rene Doyon, Matthew A. Greenhouse, Heidi B. Hammel, John B. Hutchings, Peter Jakobsen, Simon J. Lilly, Knox S. Long, Jonathan I. Lunine, Mark J. McCaughrean, Matt Mountain, John Nella, George H. Rieke, Marcia J. Rieke, Hans-Walter Rix, Eric P. Smith, George Sonneborn, Massimo Stiavelli, H. S. Stockman, Rogier A. Windhorst, Gillian S. Wright
The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is a large (6.6m), cold (50K), infrared-optimised space observatory that will be launched early in the next decade. The observatory will have four instruments: a near-infrared camera, a near-infrared multi-object spectrograph, and a tunable filter imager will cover the wavelength range, 0.6 to 5.0 microns, while the mid-infrared instrument will do both imaging and spectroscopy from 5.0 to 29 microns. The JWST science goals are divided into four themes. The End of the Dark Ages: First Light and Reionisation theme seeks to identify the first luminous sources to form and to determine the ionisation history of the early universe. The Assembly of Galaxies theme seeks to determine how galaxies and the dark matter, gas, stars, metals, morphological structures, and active nuclei within them evolved from the epoch of reionisation to the present day. The Birth of Stars and Protoplanetary Systems theme seeks to unravel the birth and early evolution of stars, from infall on to dust-enshrouded protostars to the genesis of planetary systems. The Planetary Systems and the Origins of Life theme seeks to determine the physical and chemical properties of planetary systems including our own, and investigate the potential for the origins of life in those systems. To enable these observations, JWST consists of a telescope, an instrument package, a spacecraft and a sunshield. The telescope consists of 18 beryllium segments, some of which are deployed. The segments will be brought into optical alignment on-orbit through a process of periodic wavefront sensing and control. The JWST operations plan is based on that used for previous space observatories, and the majority of JWST observing time will be allocated to the international astronomical community through annual peer-reviewed proposal opportunities.
Due to financial constraints at NASA, the targeted launch date for the James Webb Space Telescope, currently nearing the completion of the design stage, has been pushed back 2 years to help cope with a $1 billion increase on the mission price tag. The mission’s estimated cost now has grown to a total of $4.5 billion, including spacecraft development, launch and operations. The development team has recommended relaxing some of the observatory’s more-stringent manufacturing specifications that were tied to relatively low-priority science objectives.
In a related measure, NASA will drop a short-wavelength tuneable filter that the Canadian Space Agency was going to provide as an enhancement to Webb’s Fine Guidance Sensor. While important to astronomers interested in very specific wavelengths of light given off by celestial objects, the filter was considered among the lowest of Webb’s science priorities
This advanced infrared space observatory, with it's large 6.5-meter primary mirror, is designed to build upon the achievements of the Hubble after its retirement It will survey deep space from Earths L2 point 1.5 million kilometres away.
As the highest priority science mission on NASA's agenda, a decision was made to spread the extra cost over additional budget cycles rather than compromise its instrument package. Regardless, some of the lower priority missions may feel the impact of the JWST cost growth.
A replica of the new James Webb Space Telescope, which NASA is expected to launch in 2011, is lying in the parking lot of the Rochester Museum and Science Centre. Workers assembled the telescope on Tuesday afternoon. Visitors can see the model up close at the RMSC this weekend.
ITT Industries' space systems division, teamed up with NASA to develop the telescope.
"It can detect infrared light or heat. From that they can discover how old the universe is other things that are out there such as black holes or other planets and maybe learn more about our own destination" - Craig Golisano, from the James Webb Space Telescope project.
NASA's James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) team has completed the initial step in manufacturing all the primary mirrors for the next-generation space observatory's telescope -- an important program milestone.
In the first major step, molten beryllium was compressed into 18 hexagonal units called "blanks," weighing 553 pounds and measuring 1.5 meters from end-to-end. These blanks are now moving through the second step in the fabrication process, precision machining and etching. The manufacturing process is being performed by Brush Wellman Inc. in Ohio, Axsys Technologies Inc. in Alabama and Tinsley Laboratories Inc. in California under contract to Northrop Grumman's lead optical contractor, Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp. Brush Wellman was responsible for the initial mirror manufacturing. The Webb telescope features a 6.5-meter aperture primary mirror comprised of 18 beryllium segments and will be the largest deployable telescope ever launched. Beryllium, one of the lightest of all metals, was selected as the mirror technology for its demonstrated track record operating at cryogenic temperatures (around -370 degrees Fahrenheit) on space-based telescopes.
In orbit, the telescope will peer into the infrared at great distances to search for answers to astronomers' fundamental questions about the birth and evolution of galaxies, the size and shape of the universe and the mysterious life cycle of matter. The space-based observatory will reside in an orbit 940,000 miles from Earth at the L2 Lagrange point.
Fossil records of cosmic reionization in galactic stellar halos Authors: Kenji Bekki, Masashi Chiba
Galactic stellar halos have long been considered to contain fossil information on early dynamical and chemical evolution of galaxies. We propose that the surface brightness distributions of old stellar halos contain the influence of reionization on early formation histories of galaxies. By assuming that reionisation significantly suppresses star formation in small subgalactic clumps virialised after reionisation redshift (zreion), we first numerically investigate how structural and kinematical properties of stellar halos formed from merging of these subgalactic clumps depend on zreion. We then discuss what observable properties of galactic stellar halos offer us the fossil records of reionisation influence on hierarchical formation of halos based on the current results of numerical simulations. We particularly suggest that both the half-light radius of stellar halos and the slope of their surface brightness profile contain useful information on when star formation in subgalactic clumps were significantly influenced by reionisation. By using the simulated surface brightness distributions of galactic stellar halos for models with different zreion, we also discuss how wide-field imaging studies of extragalactic halos will help us to elucidate the epoch of cosmic reionisation.
The timing of the universe's reionisation left its mark on the Milky Way's stellar halo, say astronomers in Australia and Japan. The sooner this reionisation occurred, the more concentrated our galaxy's stellar halo should be.
For most of its early life, the universe was not ionised: It had cooled off from the Big Bang, and its hydrogen and helium had their full complement of electrons. Then, the first stars and quasars began to shine, ripping electrons from the hydrogen and helium. However, the exact timing of this reionisation is unknown. It may have occurred as early as redshift 30, corresponding to a time just 100 million years after the Big Bang. Or, it may have occurred as late as redshift 6, when the universe was 900 million years old.
Now, Kenji Bekki of the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia, and Masashi Chiba of Tohoku University in Sendai, Japan, have proposed a way to determine when reionisation occurred: Observe how concentrated or spread out a galaxy's stellar halo is. Their work will be published in a future issue of Astrophysical Journal Letters.
If the universe reionised at redshift 15, it should have created compact stellar halos (left). But if the universe reionised later, at redshift 6, stellar halos should be more diffuse (right). The Milky Way's actual stellar halo matches the left model, suggesting the universe reionised around 260 million years after the Big Bang. Reionisation affects the observed µB distribution of stellar halos. To derive these µB distributions, we divide the 60kpc × 60kpc halo region of a simulation into 50 × 50 meshes and thereby estimate µB for each mesh according to the photometric model described in the main text. We also smooth out the 2D distributions by using a Gaussian kernel with the smoothing length of 6 kpc.
The stellar halo is the Milky Way's oldest star population. Its brightest members are iron-poor globular star clusters. However, individual halo stars — such as Kapteyn's Star in Pictor, and Groombridge 1830 in Ursa Major — far outnumber cluster stars. Although the stellar halo envelops the Milky Way's disk, most halo stars and clusters reside closer to the galaxy's centre than Sun does.
According to Bekki and Chiba, this concentration is a direct result of the epoch when the universe reionised itself. They conducted computer simulations of a developing galaxy as it came together in bits and pieces. The sooner reionisation occurred; the sooner the galaxy's fragments ceased star formation. That's because an ionized universe allows extreme ultraviolet radiation to pass through, which destroys the cold molecular gas that gives birth to new stars.
Stars formed first in the densest of these clumps of gas and dust. If reionisation occurred early, then stars formed in only the densest clumps before star formation ceased; these clumps then merged to form a stellar halo. Smaller clumps joined the galaxy later; they added material to the outer part of the stellar halo.
Stars from these smaller clumps, if present, would have smeared out the stellar halo. But if reionisation occurred early, these latecomers would be starless and wouldn't alter the stellar halo's tight concentration.
The astronomers say the Milky Way's actual stellar halo matches their model in which reionisation occurred at redshift 15. This corresponds to a time 260 million years after the Big Bang. In particular, this model yields a stellar halo whose density varies as R-3.5, where R is the distance from the Milky Way's centre. In words, the equation says the number of halo stars per volume near the Sun is only 8.8 percent what it is at half the Sun's distance from the galactic centre. They note this relation holds throughout the Milky Way's stellar halo.
Bekki and Chiba suggest astronomers use large ground-based telescopes, such as Subaru in Hawaii, to observe the stellar halos of other giant spiral galaxies. These observations should further constrain the epoch of reionisation.