1ES 0229+200
Cosmology News
Title: 1ES 0229+200 Authors: S. Kaufmann, S.J. Wagner, O. Tibolla, M. Hauser The blazar 1ES 0229+200 is a high frequency peaked BL Lac object with a hard TeV spectrum extending to 10 TeV. Its unusual spectral characteristics make it a frequently used probe for intergalactic radiation and magnetic...
BL Lac S5 0716+714
Stars/galaxy News
Title: A Quasi-Periodic Oscillation of ~ 30 Minutes in the X-ray Light Curve of the BL Lac S5 0716+714 Authors: Alok C. Gupta (1), Paul J. Wiita (2,3), Jeewan C. Pandey (1), A. K. Srivastava (1) ((1) ARIES, Nainital, India; (2) Princeton, NJ, USA; (3) GSU, Atlanta, USA) (Version v2) We withdraw our cla...
Markarian 501
Cosmology News
Title: Observations of Mrk 421 and Mrk 501 in Spring 2006 with VERITAS Authors: S.J. Fegan (for the VERITAS Collaboration) VERITAS, the Very Energetic Radiation Telescope Imaging Array System, is an array of four imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes in southern Arizona. It is sensitive to g...
BL Lacertae objects
Cosmology News
Title: On the relationship between BL Lacertae objects and radio galaxies Authors: Hermine Landt (1), Hayley E. Bignall (2,3) ((1) Harvard-Smithsonian CfA, (2) JIVE, (3) Curtin University of Technology) We present deep radio images at 1.4 GHz of a large and complete sample of BL Lacertae objects...
BL Lacertae
Cosmology News
BL Lacertae or BL Lac is a highly variable, extragalactic AGN (active galactic nucleus or active galaxy). It was first discovered by Cuno Hoffmeister in 1929, but was originally thought to be an irregular variable star in the Milky Way galaxy and so was given a variable star designation. BL Lacertae...
PKS 0521 -365
Cosmology News
Title: The jet of the BL Lac object PKS 0521 -365 in the near-IR : MAD adaptive optics observations Authors: R. Falomo, E. Pian, A. Treves, G. Giovannini, T. Venturi, A. Moretti, C. Arcidiacono, J. Farinato, R. Ragazzoni, E. Diolaiti, M. Lombini, F. Tavecchio, R. Brast, E. Marchetti, S. Tordo BL Lac o...
RGB J0152+017
Cosmology News
Title: Discovery of VHE gamma-rays from RGB J0152+017 Authors: J.-P. Lenain, D. Nedbal, M. Raue, S. Kaufmann, L. Gérard, M. Hauser, B. Giebels, for the H.E.S.S. collaboration The BL Lac object RGB J0152+017 (z = 0.080) was predicted to be a very high-energy (VHE; > 100 GeV) gamma-ray source, due...
1E 1207.9+3945
Cosmology News
Title: The 26 year-long X-ray light curve and the X-ray spectrum of the BL Lac Object 1E 1207.9+3945 in its brightest state Authors: A. Maselli, P. Giommi, M. Perri, R. Nesci, A. Tramacere, F. Massaro, M. Capalbi We studied the temporal and spectral evolution of the synchrotron emission from the hig...
PKS 2155--304
Cosmology News
Title: XMM-Newton observations of the TeV BL Lac object PKS 2155--304 in 2006: signature of inverse Compton X-ray emission? Authors: Y.H. Zhang (Tsinghua) This paper reports the first discovery of possible inverse Compton (IC) X-ray emission below 10 keV in the typical high-energy peaked BL Lac...
W Comae
Stars/galaxy News
Title: VERITAS Discovery of >200GeV Gamma-ray Emission from the Intermediate-frequency-peaked BL Lac Object W Comae Authors: VERITAS Collaboration: V. A. Acciari, E. Aliu, M. Beilicke, W. Benbow, S. M. Bradbury, J. H. Buckley, V. Bugaev, Y. Butt, O. Celik, A. Cesarini, L. Ciupik, Y. C. K. Cho...
8C 1803+784
Cosmology News
Title: S5 1803+78 revisited Authors: R. Nesci (1), A. Maselli (2), F. Montagni (3) ((1) University La Sapienza, Roma, Italy, (2) INAF-IASF, Palermo, Italy, (3) Greve in Chianti Observatory, Italy) We report on our optical monitoring of the BL Lac object S5 1803+78 from 1996 to 2011. The source show...