Magellanic Cloud Emission Line Survey
The National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) have conducted a study on the Large Magellanic Cloud and Small Magellanic Cloud, called the Magellanic Cloud Emission Line Survey (MCELS). And now you can see the imagery in Google sky. noao_showcase_n.kmz [url=http://www.box.net/shared/...
Tarantula nebula
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Stars/galaxy News
Hanging above the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) - one of our closest galaxies - in what some describe as a frightening sight, the Tarantula nebula is worth looking at in detail. Also designated 30 Doradus or NGC 2070, the nebula owes its name to the arrangement of its brightest patches...
Ancient LMC Supernovae
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Stars/galaxy News
A team of astronomers has found faint visible echoes of three ancient supernovae by detecting their centuries-old light as it is reflected by clouds of interstellar gas hundreds of light-years removed from the original explosions.
Located in the nearby [url=http://www.geocities.com/am...
The Small Magellanic Cloud
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Art gallery
The Small Magellanic Cloud is a dwarf irregular galaxy named after the Portuguese navigator Ferdinand Magellan[url=http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/image/0506/SMCHam...
The Large Magellanic Cloud
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Art gallery
The Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC, upper right), and the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC).
The SMC is about 210,000 light-years and the LMC about 180,000 light-years away.
At lower left, is the brigh...
(SN) 1987A
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Stars/galaxy News
On February 23, 1987, observers saw a star explode in the Large Magellanic Cloud, (a nearby dwarf galaxy).
At about 169000 light years away, it was the closest seen in the past 300 years; and astronomers have continu... < 1.6 x 10^{-14} ergs/s/cm^2 in the wavelength range 2900-9650 Angstroms for any continuum emitter at the centre of the supernova remnant (SNR). It is likely that the SNR contains opaque dust that absorbs UV and optical emission, resulting in an attenuation of ~35% due to dust absorption in the SNR. Taking into account dust absorption in the remnant, we find a limit of L_opt < 8 x 10^{33} ergs/s. We compare this upper bound with empirical evidence from point sources in other supernova remnants, and with theoretical models for possible compact sources. Bright young pulsars such as Kes 75 or the Crab pulsar are excluded by optical and X-ray limits on SN 1987A. Of the young pulsars known to be associated with SNRs, those with ages < 5000 years are all too bright in X-rays to be compatible with the limits on SN 1987A. Examining theoretical models for accretion onto a compact object, we find that spherical accretion onto a neutron star is firmly ruled out, and that spherical accretion onto a black hole is possible only if there is a larger amount of dust absorption in the remnant than predicted. In the case of thin-disk accretion, our flux limit requires a small disk, no larger than 10^{10} cm, with an accretion rate no more than 0.3 times the Eddington accretion rate. Possible ways to hide a surviving compact object include the removal of all surrounding material at early times by a photon-driven wind, a small accretion disk, or very high levels of dust absorption in the remnant.
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Photo of the Large Magellanic Cloud and supernova
Magellanic Clouds
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Stars/galaxy News
Title: Young stellar populations in the Magellanic Clouds Authors: A. Vallenari We discuss the young population of stars and clusters in the Magellanic Clouds. We present the discovery of pre-main sequence candidates in the nebula N~11 in the Large Magellanic Clouds using HST ACS photometry. Th...
SNR 1E102.2-7219
Stars/galaxy News
Title: Dust Formation Observed in Young Supernova Remnants with Spitzer Authors: J. Rho (SSC/Caltech), W. T. Reach (Planck/Caltech), A. Tappe (CFA/Harvard), L. Rudnick (UMN), T. Kozasa (Hakkaido U.), U. Hwang (GSFC/NASA), M. Andersen (SSC/Caltech), H. Gomez (Cardiff), T. DeLaney (MIT), L. D...
Stars/galaxy News
Title: Spitzer View of Young Massive Stars in the LMC HII Complexes. II. N159 Authors: C.-H. Rosie Chen, Remy Indebetouw, You-Hua Chu, Robert A. Gruendl, Gerard Testor, Fabian Heitsch, Jonathan P. Seale, Margaret Meixner, Marta Sewilo The HII complex N159 in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) is us...
ESO 51-SC09
Stars/galaxy News
Title: Identification of a new relatively old star cluster in the Small Magellanic Cloud Authors: Andrés E. Piatti We present results on the age and metallicity estimates of the astonishingly unstudied SMC cluster ESO 51-SC09, from CCD BVI photometry obtained at the ESO NTT with the EMMI attached...
Stars/galaxy News
DEM L50: Stellar Effervescence on Display This composite image shows the superbubble DEM L50 (a.k.a. N186) located in the Large Magellanic Cloud about 160,000 light years from Earth. Superbubbles are found in regions where massive stars have formed in the last few million years. The massive star...