Palomar 13
Stars/galaxy News
Title: The Curious Case of Palomar 13: The Influence of the Orbital Phase on the Appearance of Galactic Satellites Authors: A.H.W. Kuepper (1,2), S. Mieske (2), P. Kroupa (1) ((1) AIfA Bonn, (2) ESO Chile) We investigate the dynamical status of the low-mass globular cluster Palomar 13 by means of N-...
Palomar 14
Stars/galaxy News
Title: A Monte Carlo analysis of the velocity dispersion of the globular cluster Palomar 14 Authors: A. Sollima, C. Nipoti, A. Mastrobuono Battisti, M. Montuori, R. Capuzzo-Dolcetta We present the results of a detailed analysis of the projected velocity dispersion of the globular cluster Palom...
Pal 5 globular cluster
Stars/galaxy News
Title: The Pal 5 Star Stream Gaps Authors: R. G. Carlberg, C. J. Grillmair, Nathan Hetherington Pal 5 is a low mass, low velocity dispersion, globular cluster with spectacular tidal tails. We use the SDSS DR8 data to extend the density measurements of the trailing star stream to 23 degrees distance f...
Globular Cluster Pal 12
Art gallery
Capricornus 3 degree sky near the globular cluster Pal 12 in the outer galactic halo
Position(2000): RA 21:48:27.19 Dec -21:05:26.09
Sunday 21 May 2006 03:12:11 UTC
20 second exposure
(Palomar-12) Pal-12 is 63,000 light years away at RA: 21 46 38.8 DEC: -21 15 03
Palomar 2
Stars/galaxy News
Hubble Sees a Unique Cluster: One of the Hidden 15 Palomar 2 is part of a group of 15 globulars known as the Palomar clusters. These clusters, as the name suggests, were discovered in survey plates from the first Palomar Observatory Sky Survey in the 1950s, a project that involved some of the most well-...
Palomar 4
Stars/galaxy News
Title: The velocity dispersion and mass function of the outer halo globular cluster Palomar 4 Author: Matthias J. Frank, Michael Hilker, Holger Baumgardt, Patrick Côté, Eva K. Grebel, Hosein Haghi, Andreas H. W. Küpper, S. G. Djorgovski We obtained precise line-of-sight radial velocities of 23...