PSR J1410-6132
Stars/galaxy News
Title: PSR J1410-6132: A young, energetic pulsar associated with EGRET source 3EG J1410-6147 Authors: J.T. O'Brien, S. Johnston, M. Kramer, A.G. Lyne, M. Bailes, A. Possenti, M. Burgay, D.R. Lorimer, M.A. McLaughlin, G. Hobbs, D. Parent, L. Guillemot We present the discovery of...
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Stars/galaxy News
Title: The Parkes multibeam pulsar survey: VI. Discovery and timing of 142 pulsars and a Galactic population analysis
Authors: D. R. Lorimer, A. J. Faulkner, A. G. Lyne, R. N. Manchester, M. Kramer, M. A. McLaughlin, G. Hobbs, A. Possenti, I. H. Stairs, F. Camilo, M. Burgay, N. D'A...
PSR J1119-6127
Stars/galaxy News
Title: Using Chandra to Unveil the High-Energy Properties of the High-Magnetic Field Radio Pulsar J1119-6127 Authors: Samar Safi-Harb, Harsha S. Kumar PSR J1119-6127 is a high magnetic field (B=4.1E13 Gauss), young (<=1,700 year-old), and slow (P=408 ms) radio pulsar associated with the s...
PSR J0737-3039
Stars/galaxy News
XMM-Newton has, for the first time, detected signals from both stars of a binary pulsar system in X-rays, unveiling a scientific goldmine. Each star of the closely-packed system is a dense neutron star, spinning extremely fast, radiating X-rays in pulses. The binary pulsar PSR J0737-3039 was fi...
PSR J1141-6545
Stars/galaxy News
Title: Gravitational-radiation losses from the pulsar-white-dwarf binary PSR J1141-6545 Authors: N. D. Ramesh Bhat, Matthew Bailes, Joris P. W. Verbiest Pulsars in close binary orbit around another neutron star or a massive white dwarf make ideal laboratories for testing the predictions of g...
PSR B1931+24
Stars/galaxy News
Title: On the nature of the intermittent pulsar PSR B1931+24 Authors: N. Rea (1,2), M. Kramer (3), L. Stella (4), P. Jonker (2,5,6), C. Bassa (6), P. Groot (7), G. Israel (4), M. Mendez (8), A. Possenti (9), A. Lyne (3) ((1) U. Amsterdam, (2) SRON-Utrecht, (3) Jodrell Bank Observatory, (4) INAF-OAR, (...
PSR B1259-63/SS2883
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Stars/galaxy News
Title: Gamma-rays from binary system with energetic pulsar and Be star with aspherical wind: PSR B1259-63/SS2883 Authors: Agnieszka Sierpowska-Bartosik, Wlodek Bednarek At least one massive binary system containing an energetic pulsar, PSR B1259-63/SS2883, has been recently detected in t...
PSR J1903+0327
Astronomy News
CSIRO astronomers said they are stumped by the formation of an "eccentric" fast-spinning star. Scientists at the Australia Telescope National Facility will today publish their findings in the online journal Science Express on the pulsar, which is called J1903+0327. Astronomer Dav...
Geminga & PSR B0656+14
Stars/galaxy News
Title: Subaru optical observations of the two middle-aged pulsars PSR B0656+14 and Geminga
Authors: Yuri A. Shibanov (1), Sergei V. Zharikov (2), Viktoria N. Komarova (3), Nobuyuki Kawai (4), Yuji Urata (5), Alexey B. Koptsevich (1), Vladimir V. Sokolov (3), Shinpei Shib...
PSR B2224+65
Stars/galaxy News
Title: The origin of the Guitar pulsar Authors: N. Tetzlaff , R. Neuhäuser and M. M. Hohle Among a sample of 140 OB associations and clusters, we want to identify probable parent associations for the Guitar pulsar (PSR B2224+65), which would then also constrain its age. For this purpose, we are using...
PSR B1516+02B
Stars/galaxy News
Title: Super-Massive Neutron Stars Authors: Paulo C. C. Freire We present here the results of Arecibo timing of PSR B1516+02B, a 7.95-ms pulsar in a binary system with a ~0.17 solar mass companion and an orbital period of 6.85 days located in the globular cluster M5. The eccentricity of the orbit (e =...
Fastest Pulsar
Stars/galaxy News
A speeding, superdense neutron star somehow got a powerful "kick" that is propelling it completely out of our Milky Way Galaxy into the cold vastness of intergalactic space. Its discovery is puzzling astronomers who used the National Science Foundation's Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA)...
GBM Pulsar Project
Astronomy News
GBM Pulsar Project GBM Pulsars Source Name lii (deg) bii (deg)GX 1+4 1.944.79Her X-1 58.2037.50Cep X-4 99.013.31EXO 2030+375 77.15-1.24V 0332+53 146.05-2.19A 0535+26 181.50-2.64MXB 0656-072 220.20-1.76Vela X-1 263.063.90Swift J0513.4-6547 275.99-34.55GRO J1008-57 283.00-1.80A 1118...
PSR B0628-28
Stars/galaxy News
PSR B0628-28 is a radio pulsar which was first detected in the X-ray band by ROSAT and then later observed with Chandra and XMM-Newton.
The Chandra observation yielded an X-ray luminosity two orders of magnitude
higher than what is expected for spin-powered pulsars, also there were no...
New Pulsar
Stars/galaxy News
West Virginia Student Discovers New Pulsar A West Virginia high-school student has discovered a new pulsar, using data from the giant Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope (GBT). Shay Bloxton, 15, a participant in a project in which students analyse data from the radio telescope, spotted evidence o...
PSR J2007+2722
By putting their home computers to work when they would otherwise be idle, three "citizen scientists" have discovered a rare astronomical object. The unusual find is called a "disrupted binary pulsar"; these pulsars can be created when a massive star collapses. The discov...
IGR J17480-2446
Title: The spin and orbit of the newly discovered pulsar IGR J17480-2446 Authors: A. Papitto (Univ.Cagliari), A.D'Ai' (Univ.Palermo), S.Motta (INAF-OAB), A.Riggio (INAF-OAC), L.Burderi (Univ.Cagliari), T.Di Salvo (Univ.Palermo), T.Belloni (INAF-OAB) We present an analysis of the spin a...
PSR J0357+3205
Title: Discovery of a faint X-ray counterpart and of a parsec-long X-ray tail for the middle-aged, gamma-ray only pulsar PSR J0357+3205 Authors: A. De Luca, M. Marelli, R.P. Mignani, P.A. Caraveo, W. Hummel, S. Collins, A. Shearer, P.M. Saz Parkinson, A. Belfiore, G.F. Bignami The Large Area Tele...
PSR J1820+0159
Hannah Mabry discovered J1820+0159 in January Rowan County High School junior Hannah Mabry is the first student in Kentucky to discover a pulsar. She is part of a nationwide project that has high school students analysing data from the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in Green Bank, West Virg...
PSR J1952+2630
Title: Arecibo PALFA Survey and Einstein@Home: Binary Pulsar Discovery by Volunteer Computing Authors: B. Knispel, P. Lazarus, B. Allen, D. Anderson, C. Aulbert, N. D. R. Bhat, O. Bock, S. Bogdanov, A. Brazier, F. Camilo, S. Chatterjee, J. M. Cordes, F. Crawford, J. S. Deneva, G. Desvignes, H. Feh...
PSR J1823-3021A
NASA's Fermi Finds Youngest Millisecond Pulsar, 100 Pulsars To-Date An international team of scientists using NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope has discovered a surprisingly powerful millisecond pulsar that challenges existing theories about how these objects form. At the same time, a...
PSR J0437-4715
Title: The spectrum of the recycled PSR J0437-4715 and its white dwarf companion Authors: M. Durant (UFlorida), O. Kargaltsev, G. G. Pavlov, P. M. Kowalski, B. Posselt, M. H. van Kerkwijk, D. L. Kaplan We present extensive spectral and photometric observations of the recycled pulsar/white-dwar...
X-ray pulsars
Radio pulsars (rotation-powered pulsars) and X-ray pulsars exhibit very different spin behaviours and have different mechanisms producing their characteristic pulses although it is accepted that both kinds of pulsar are manifestations of a rotating magnetized neutron star. The rotation cy...
Gamma-ray Pulsars
Cosmology News
Title: Tracking Down the Highest Spindown Power Gamma-ray Pulsars Authors: X. Hou, D. Dumora, M. Lemoine-Goumard, M.-H.Grondin, D.A. Smith, for the Fermi Large Area Telescope Collaboration, for the Fermi Pulsar Timing Consortium Forty six gamma-ray pulsars were reported in the First Fermi La...
Anomalous X-ray Pulsars
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Stars/galaxy News
Anomalous X-ray pulsars
Tiny stellar 'corpses' have been caught blasting surprisingly powerful X-rays and gamma rays across our galaxy by ESA’s gamma-ray observatory Integral.
This discovery links these objects to the most magnetically active bodies in the Universe and forces scienti...
4U 1626-67
Title: Suzaku Observations of the Ultracompact binary System 4U 1626-67 Authors: Ascension Camero-Arranz, Katja Pottschmidt, Mark Finger, C.A. Wilson-Hodge, D. M. Marcu The accretion-powered pulsar 4U 1626-67 experienced a new torque reversal at the beginning of 2008, after about 18 years o...
OAO 1657-415
Title: Orbital Decay and Evidence of Disk Formation in the X-ray Binary Pulsar OAO 1657-415 Authors: P. A. Jenke, M. H. Finger, C. A. Wilson-Hodge, A. Camero-Arronz OAO 1657-415 is an eclipsing X-ray binary wind-fed pulsar that has exhibited smooth spin-up/spin-down episodes and has undergone s...