Antimatter solar sail
General news
(old news 30 October 2002)
Hbar Technologies[img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v328/blobr...
Electric solar wind sail
General news
The electric solar wind sail was invented a couple of years ago by the Finnish Meteorological Institute and could soon be used on a test mission Read more The electric solar wind sail developed by Dr. Pekka Janh...
Solar Sail Spacecraft, Cosmos 1
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Mission News
The Planetary Society (home of SETI) is planning to launch the first Solar Sail Spacecraft, Cosmos 1, later this month.
The exact launch date is scheduled to be announced on Monday, May 9.
This event represents one of the first privately-funded space missions with the objective of pure...
Solar sail
Astronomy News
A solar sail that scientists believe could power missions into deep space has passed its first major test.
A 20-metre square sail was deployed and its orientation controlled in a vacuum chamber designed to mimic space at NASA's Glenn Research Centre in Ohio, by developers ATK Space Systems who ar...
Solar Sail Spacecraft, Cosmos 2
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Mission News
Sometime within the next few weeks NASA Ames Research Centre plans to launch a "nano-sail" as a piggy-back payload on the Falcon launch vehicle a private booster designed and built by Planetary Society Board Member Elon Musk's SpaceX corporation. This small sail, developed by NASAs Ma...
IKAROS mission
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Mission News
JAXA is studying two missions to evaluate the performance of solar power sails. The project name for the first mission is IKAROS (Interplanetary Kite-craft Accelerated by Radiation Of the Sun). This craft will be launched in 2010 together with the Venus Climate Orbiter, "AKATSUKI"(P...