White dwarf planets
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Stars/galaxy News
Astronomers using NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope will hold a media teleconference at 1 p.m. EDT Wednesday, April 5 to announce the discovery of a strange place where planets might be forming.
Astronomers have found five stellar corpses that appear to be swallowing asteroids that once orbite...
White / Red Dwarf Systems
Stars/galaxy News
Title: White Dwarf - Red Dwarf Systems Resolved with the Hubble Space Telescope: I. First Results
Authors: J. Farihi, D.W. Hoard, S. Wachter
First results are presented for a Hubble Space Telescope Advanced Camera for Surveys snapshot study of white dwarfs with likely red d...
White Dwarf GD 362
Stars/galaxy News
Astronomers have glimpsed dusty debris around an essentially dead star where gravity and radiation should have long ago removed any sign of dust. The discovery might provide insights into our own solar system’s eventual demise several billion years from now.
Solar systems may continue to exis...
White Dwarfs
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Stars/galaxy News
Title: A Catalogue of Spectroscopically Confirmed White Dwarfs from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 4
Authors: Daniel J. Eisenstein, James Liebert, Hugh C. Harris, S.J. Kleinmann, Atsuko Nitta, Nicole Silvestri, Scott A. Anderson, J.C. Barentine, Howard J. Brewin...
UltraCool White Dwarf
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Stars/galaxy News
COMBO-17 J114356.08-0144032
Christian Wolf of the University of Oxford has discovered a rare Ultra-cool white dwarf.
Only seven of these ultra cool white dwarfs, with surface temperatures below 4,000 kelvins, were known to exist before.
Regular white dwarfs are dead star...
Hot DB White Dwarfs
Stars/galaxy News
Title: Hot DB White Dwarfs from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
Authors: Daniel J. Eisenstein, James Liebert, Detlev Koester, S.J. Kleinmann, Atsuko Nitta, Paul S. Smith, J.C. Barentine, Howard J. Brewington, J. Brinkmann, Michael Harvanek, Jurek Krzesinski, Eric H. Neilsen Jr...
carbon-dominated white dwarf stars
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Stars/galaxy News
Astronomers have discovered white dwarf stars with pure carbon atmospheres. These stars possibly evolved in a sequence astronomers didn't know before. They may have evolved from stars that are not quite massive enough to explode as supernovae but are just on the borderline. All but the most massi...
AM_CVn Stars
Stars/galaxy News
Astronomers have reported the first detection of direct radiation from the surface of a white dwarf star in a pre-supernova binary star system using the Hubble Space Telescope. This is a major step forward in identifying the type of star that will become a Type Ia supernova, the type of supernova tha...
Extreme Helium Stars
Stars/galaxy News
KPD 0005+5106
Stars/galaxy News
The hottest white dwarf in its class A team of German and American astronomers present far-ultraviolet observations of white dwarf KPD 0005+5106 and reveal that it is among the hottest stars ever known with a temperature of 200 000 K at its surface. Astronomy & Astrophysics is publishing this d...
Stars/galaxy News
Title: The double degenerate LP400-22 revisited Authors: S. Vennes, A. Kawka, T.R. Vaccaro, N.M. Silvestri We re-examine the properties of the high-velocity and extremely low mass white dwarf LP 400-22 and its close companion. Based on an extended observation timeline we determined a binary pe...
SDSS 1257+5428
Stars/galaxy News
Title: First Results from the Swarms Survey. SDSS 1257+5428: A Nearby, Massive White Dwarf Binary with a Likely Neutron Star or Black Hole Companion Authors: Carles Badenes, Fergal Mullally, Susan E. Thompson, Robert H. Lupton We present the first results from SWARMS (Sloan White dwArf Radial ve...
HD49798 white dwarf companion
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Stars/galaxy News
XMM-Newton uncovers a celestial Rosetta stone ESA's XMM-Newton orbiting X-ray telescope has uncovered a celestial Rosetta stone: the first close-up of a white dwarf star, circling a companion star, that could explode into a particular kind of supernova in a few million years. These supernovae a...
White Dwarf GD66
Stars/galaxy News
Title: Spitzer Planet Limits around the Pulsating White Dwarf GD66 Authors: Fergal Mullally, William T. Reach, Steven Degennaro, Adam Burrows We present infrared observations in search of a planet around the white dwarf, GD66. Time-series photometry of GD66 shows a variation in the arrival tim...
GD 356
Stars/galaxy News
Title: Does GD 356 have a Terrestrial Planetary Companion? Authors: Dayal T. Wickramasinghe, Jay Farihi, Christopher A. Tout, Lilia Ferrario, Richard J. Stancliffe GD 356 is unique among magnetic white dwarfs because it shows Zeeman-split Balmer lines in pure emission. The lines originate fro...
White Dwarfs Binaries
Stars/galaxy News
Title: White Dwarfs in Ultrashort Binary Systems Authors: GianLuca Israel, Simone Dall'Osso (INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma, Italy) This contribution summarises, as of early 2008, the observational and theoretical understanding of the physics, and emission properties of two Doubl...
Supernova 2007if
Cosmology News
Super Supernova: White Dwarf Star System Exceeds Mass Limit An international team led by Yale University has, for the first time, measured the mass of a type of supernova thought to belong to a unique subclass and confirmed that it surpasses what was believed to be an upper mass limit. Their findings...
White dwarf GD61
Title: Possible Signs of Water and Differentiation in a Rocky Exoplanetary Body Authors: J. Farihi, C. Brinkworth, B. T. Gaensicke, T. R. Marsh, J. Girven, D. W. Hoard, B. Klein, D. Koester Spitzer observations reveal the presence of warm debris from a tidally destroyed rocky and possibly icy plan...
SDSS J163030.58+423305.8
Title: SDSS J163030.58+423305.8: A 40 minute Orbital Period Detached White Dwarf Binary Authors: Mukremin Kilic, Warren R. Brown, J. J. Hermes, Carlos Allende Prieto, S. J. Kenyon, D. E. Winget, K. I. Winget We report the discovery of a new detached, double white dwarf system with an orbital perio...
White Dwarf Debris Disks
Stars/galaxy News
Title: A Spitzer Space Telescope Study of the Debris Disks around four SDSS White Dwarfs Authors: Carolyn Brinkworth, Boris Gaensicke, Jon Girven, Don Hoard, Tom Marsh, Stephen Parsons, Detlev Koester We present Spitzer Space Telescope data of four isolated white dwarfs that were previously kn...
CPD-20 1123
Title: CPD-20 1123 (Albus 1) is a bright He-B Subdwarf Authors: Stephane Vennes, Adela Kawka, J. Allyn Smith Date: August 2007 Based on photometric and astrometric data it has been proposed that Albus 1 (also known as CPD-20 1123) might be a hot white dwarf similar to G191-B2B or, alternatively, a...
SDSS J065133.338+284423.37
White Dwarf Binary Stars Make Merger Plans Just like corporations, stars, too, can engage in mergers and acquisitions: a new study has identified a pair of white dwarf stars heading toward a merger. White dwarfs are the hot, superdense remnants of spent stars. In a binary system called J0651, two wh...