Supernova 2006X
A magnitude 15.3 Supernova, 2006X, was discovered on the 7th February by Shoji Suzuki; M. Migliardi (CROSS) in the Spiral Galaxy Messier 100 (NGC 4321) in the constellation Coma Bernices.
It is located 12" west and 48" south of the nucleus.
M100 lies approximately 65-70 million light years a...
Supernova 2007st
A magnitude 15.0 supernova, 2007st, was discovered on the 22nd December, 2007, by Berto Monard, in the spiral galaxy NGC 692, in the constellation Phoenix. It is located 4" east and 4" South of the nucleus. Position(2000): RA 01h48m42s Dec +48°38'57".8 As yet the type is unknown NG...
Supernova 2008D
1 2 3
Astronomy News
Through a stroke of luck, astronomers have witnessed the first violent moments of a stellar explosion known as a supernova. Astronomers have seen thousands of these stellar explosions, but all previous supernovae were discovered days after the event had begun. This is the first time scientists h...
Supernova 2008eh
Astronomy News
A magnitude 15.1 supernova, 2008eh, was discovered on the 21st July 2008, by B Monard in the unbarred spiral galaxy NGC 2997 in the constellation Antlia. The supernova is located 123E 34N from the centre of the galaxy. [url=http://farm4...
Supernova 2005df
Astronomy News
A magnitude 13.7 Supernova, 2005df, was discovered on the 29th July 2005 by Robert Evans, in the galaxy NGC 1559, located 15" east and 40" north of the nucleus.
The type is unknown, as yet.
Supernova 2005dv
Astronomy News
A Magnitude 14.8 supernova 2005dv, was discovered on 4th of September by the Cortina Astronomical Association (CROSS), in the galaxy NGC 5283 .
It is located 8" west of the centre of the galaxy.
The Type as yet is unknown.
Supernova 2005kj
Astronomy News
A magnitude 16.3, Type IIn, supernova 2005kj, was discovered on the 17th November, 2005, by the Nearby Supernova Factory, in a galaxy in the constellation Hydra.
The supernova is located 82" east and 16".5 south of the centre the galaxy.
Supernova 2006ce
Astronomy News
The magnitude 12.5 Supernova 2006ce[img]http://static.flickr.com/54/147216299_93b0f1afba_o.j...
Supernova 2001ig
Astronomy News
Using the Gemini South telescope in Chile, Australian astronomers have found a predicted "companion" star left behind when its partner exploded as a very unusual supernova. The presence of the companion explains why the supernova, which started off looking like one kind of exploding sta...
Supernova 2005gl
Astronomy News
Title: On the progenitor of SN 2005gl and the nature of Type IIn supernovae
Authors: Avishay Gal-Yam (Caltech), D. C. Leonard (SDSU), D. B. Fox (PSU), S. B. Cenko (Caltech), A. M. Soderberg (Caltech), D.-S. Moon (Caltech), D. J. Sand (Steward), W. Li (UCB), A. V. Filippenko (UCB),...
Astronomy News
A supernova more than twice as bright as others of its type has been observed, suggesting it arose from a star that managed to grow more massive than theoretically predicted. The observation suggests supernovae of this type are not "standard candles" as previously thought, which could affect thei...
Supernova 2005hj
Astronomy News
Title: SN 2005hj: Evidence for Two Classes of Normal-Bright SNe Ia and Implications for Cosmology Authors: Robert Quimby, Peter Höflich, J. Craig Wheeler HET Optical spectra covering the evolution from about 6 days before to about 5 weeks after maximum light and the ROTSE-IIIb unfiltered light c...
Supernova 2005bf
Astronomy News
Title: The Unique Type Ib Supernova 2005bf at Nebular Phases: A Possible Birth Event of A Strongly Magnetized Neutron Star Authors: K. Maeda, M. Tanaka, K.Nomoto, N. Tominaga, K. Kawabata, P.A. Mazzali, H. Umeda, T.Suzuki, T. Hattori Late phase nebular spectra and photometry of Type Ib Supernova...
Supernova 2004ip
Astronomy News
Title: Radio Detection of Supernova 2004ip in the Circumnuclear Region of the Luminous Infrared Galaxy IRAS 18293-3413 Authors: M. A. Pérez-Torres, S. Mattila, A. Alberdi, L. Colina, J. M. Torrelles, P. Väisänen, S. Ryder, N. Panagia, A. Wilson (Version v2) We report a radio detection of superno...
Supernova 2004et
Astronomy News
Title: Chandra Observations of SN 2004et and the X-ray Emission of Type IIp Supernovae Authors: J. Rho, T. H. Jarrett, N. N. Chugai, R. A. Chevalier We report the X-ray detection of the Type II-plateau supernova SN 2004et in the spiral galaxy NGC 6946, using the Chandra X-Ray Observatory. The positi...
Supernova 2006gz
Astronomy News
Title: The Luminous and Carbon-Rich Supernova 2006gz: A Double Degenerate Merger? Authors: M. Hicken, P. M. Garnavich, J. L. Prieto, S. Blondin, D. L. DePoy, R. P. Kirshner, J. Parrent Spectra and light curves of SN 2006gz show the strongest signature of unburned carbon and one of the slowest fadin...
Supernova 2008ee
Astronomy News
A magnitude 15.5 supernova, 2008ee was discovered on the 16th July 2008, by LOSS, in the E/S0 galaxy NGC 307 in the constellation Cetus. The supernova is located 6"east and 3" north from the centre of the galaxy. As yet the type is unknown Position(2000): RA 00 56 32.96, Dec -01 46 16.0 [...
Supernova 2008ed
Astronomy News
A magnitude 15.4 type II supernova, 2008ed, was discovered on the 15th July 2008, by Pignata et al. (CHASE), in the Sb galaxy UGC 2740 in the constellation Taurus. Position(2000): RA 03 26 43.62, Dec +07 42 34.9 The supernova is 28W 17S from the centre of the galaxy [url=http://www.adr...
Supernova 2008fd
Astronomy News
A magnitude 15.7 supernova, 2008fd, was discovered by CHASE on the 27th August 2008, in the galaxy ESO 466-G24 in the constellation Piscis Austrinus. The supernova is located 16".4 west and 14".4 north of the centre of the galaxy. Position(2000): R.A. = 21h58m09s.22, Dec. = -27°23'17...
Supernova SN2008fb
Astronomy News
Hot News from Taurus Hill Observatory A magnitude 16.9 supernova, 2008fb, was discovered on the 24th August 2008, by the Taurus Hill Observatory in the dwarf galaxy UGC 2813 in the constellation Camelopardalis. The supernova is located 13".5 east and 9".0 north from the centre of the g...
Supernova 2008es
Astronomy News
Title: The Exceptionally Luminous Type II-L SN 2008es Authors: A. A. Miller, R. Chornock, D. A. Perley, M. Ganeshalingam, N. R. Butler, J. S. Bloom, N. Smith, M. Modjaz, D. Poznanski, A. V. Filippenko, J. H. Shiode, J. M. Silverman (UC Berkeley) We report on our early photometric and spectroscopic o...
Supernova SN 1995N
Astronomy News
Title: Eleven years of radio monitoring of the Type IIn supernova SN 1995N Authors: Poonam Chandra, Christopher J. Stockdale, Roger A. Chevalier, Schuyler D. Van Dyk, Alak Ray, Matthew T. Kelley, Kurt W. Weiler, Nino Panagia, Richard A. Sramek We present radio observations of the optically brigh...
Supernova 2008fp
Astronomy News
A bright Magnitude 13.5 supernova, 2008fp, was discovered by the Chilean Automated Supernova search (CHASE) on the 7th September, 2008, in the Seyfert galaxy ESO 428-G14 in the constellation Canis Major. The supernova is located 17".5 east and 2".1 south from the centre of the galaxy....
Supernova 2008fl
Astronomy News
A magnitude 14.9 supernova, 2008fl, was discovered by Pignata et al. at the Chilean Automatic Supernova Search (CHASE) on the 7th September, 2008, in the elliptical galaxy NGC 6805 in the constellation Sagittarius. The supernova is located 10".3 west and 11".1 north from the center o...
Supernova 2008fw
Astronomy News
A magnitude 14.3 type 1a supernova, 2008fw, was discovered on the 19th September, 2008, by Berto Monard in the (mag 12) spiral galaxy NGC 3261 in the constellation Vela. The supernova is located 52" west and 30" south from the cent...
Magnitude 13.9 Supernova?
1 2
Astronomy News
A possible magnitude 13.9 Supernova was discovered on the 9th October, 2006, by Koichi Itagaki; Tim Puckett and R. Gorelli in the spiral galaxy UGC 4904 in the constellation Lynx
The supernova is located 11" west and 7" south of the centre of UGC 4904.
Position(2000): R.A. = 09h17m20s.78,...
Supernova 1996cr
Astronomy News
An international team of astronomers have confirmed that a radio and x-ray luminous object is indeed a supernova, as has long been suspected. Located only 12 million light years away in a nearby galaxy, there is an abundance of observational data on this object, making the task of studying it and det...
Possible supernova in NGC 539
Astronomy News
A possible magnitude 16 supernova was observed by T. Kryachko and S. Korotkiy (Kazan State University Astrotel observatory ) in the spiral galaxy NGC 539 in the constellation Cetus (z=0.032), on the 10th October 2008. Position(2000): RA = 01 2523.04 ± 0.1, Dec = -18 10 20.8 ± 0.1
Supernova 2008ge
Astronomy News
A magnitude 12.4 supernova, 2008ge, was discovered by Pignata et al. (CHASE) on the 3rd October, 2008, in the barred-spiral galaxy NGC 1527 in the constellation Horologium. The supernova is located 5"e...
Type Ia supernovae
1 2 3 4 5 … 8
Astronomy News
Astronomers Study Shape of Stellar Candles
Astronomers are reporting remarkable new findings that shed light on a decade-long debate about one kind of supernovae, the explosions that mark a star's final demise: does the star die in a slow burn or with a fast bang? From their observations...
Supernova 2006ef
A bright magnitude 15.3 Supernova, 2006ef, was discovered on the 18 August, 2006, by the Lick Observatory Supernova Search in the spiral galaxy NGC 809 in the Constellation Cetus.
Position(2000): R.A. = 02h04m19s.51, De...
Supernova 2006ej
A bright magnitude 14.7 (and rising) supernova, 2006ej, was discovered on the 23rd August 2006, by the Lick Observatory Supernova Search, (R. Mostardi, H. Khandrika, and W. Li ) in the spiral galaxy NGC 191A in the constellation C...
Supernova 2005cf
Stars/galaxy News
A Type Ia Supernova 2005cf, was discovered on 2005/05/28.36 by the Lick Observatory Supernova Search.
Found in the galaxy MCG -1-39-3 , located 15".7 west and 123" north of the centre.
Supernova 2008hi
Cosmology News
A magnitude 15.2 supernova, 2008hi, was discovered on the 21th November, 2008, by Yoshimi Ichimura in the galaxy MCG -01-2-15 in the constellation Cetus. The supernova is located 8" west and 3" south from the c...
Supernova 2008ha
Cosmology News
A magnitude 18.2 Type Ia supernova, 2008ha, was discovered on the 7th November, 2008, by Caroline K. Moore and Jack Newton in the irregular galaxy UGC 12682 in the constellation Pegasus. The supernova is located 12" west and 0".5 south from the centre of the galaxy. Position(2000): R.A....
Supernova 2009ig
Astronomy News
A magnitude 13.3, type Ia supernova, 2009ig, was discovered on the 20th August, 2009 by the Lick Observatory Supernova Search in the spiral galaxy NGC 1015 in the constellation Cetus. The supernova is located 0.6" east and 22" north from the center of the galaxy. Position (2000): RA = 02...
Supernova 2009iu
Astronomy News
A magnitude 15.4 supernova, 2009iu, was discovered by the Chilean Automated Supernova search (CHASE) on the 1st, September, 2009, in the spiral galaxy NGC 7329 in the constellation Tucana. The supernova is located 82.8" west and 38.9" north from the center of the galaxy. As yet the type...
Cosmology News
When the universe was only 700 million years old, some of its galaxies were already filled with lots of dust. But where did all of this dust come from? Astronomers using NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope think they may have found the source in type II supernovae, the violent explosions of the universe's...
Supernova 2005bl
Cosmology News
Title: The underluminous Type Ia Supernova 2005bl and the class of objects similar to SN 1991bg Authors: S. Taubenberger, S. Hachinger, G. Pignata, P. A. Mazzali, C. Contreras, S. Valenti, A. Pastorello, N. Elias-Rosa, O. Bärnbantner, H. Barwig, S. Benetti, M. Dolci, J. Fliri, G. Folatelli, W. L....
Supernova 2008fq
Cosmology News
A magnitude 15.4 supernova, 2008fq, was discovered by the Lick Observatory Supernova Search (LOSS) on the 15th September, 2008, in the barred spiral galaxy NGC 6907 (mag 11.3 ) in the constellation Capricornus. The supernova is located 6" west and 5" north from the centre of the galaxy....
Supernova 1996cr
Cosmology News
Powerful nearby supernova caught by web of telescopes Over a decade after it exploded, one of the nearest supernovae in the last 25 years has been identified. This result was made possible by combining data from the vast online archives from many of the worlds premier telescopes. The spacewalk by on...
Supernova 2009C
Cosmology News
A type IIb magnitude 17.8 supernova, 2009C, was discovered by LOSS on the 2nd January, 2009, in the galaxy UGC 12433 in the constellation Andromeda. The supernova is located 11' West and 11' North from the center of the galaxy. Position(2000): RA =23 13 42.84, Dec = +49 40 47.2 [url=http://www.cf...
Supernova 2008ij
Cosmology News
A magnitude 15,9 , type II supernova, 2008ij, was discovered by Koichi Itagaki on the 19th December 2008, in the spiral galaxy NGC 6643 in the constellation Draco The supernova is located 23" east and 11" south from the center of the galaxy. Position(2000): RA = 18h19m51s.81, Dec = +74°3...
Supernova 2009A
Cosmology News
A magnitude 16 supernova, 2009A, was discovered by Pignata et al. (CHASE) on the 2nd January, 2009, in an anonymous galaxy in the constellation Cetus. The supernova is located 6' West and 7' North from the center of the galaxy. As yet the type is unknown. Position(2000): RA =01 52 44.34, Dec = -03 23...
Supernova 2009D
Cosmology News
A type Ia magnitude 16.5 supernova, 2009D, was discovered by LOSS on the 2nd January, 2009, in the galaxy MCG -03-10-52 in the constellation Eridanus. The supernova is located 26' West and 31' North from the center of the galaxy. Position(2000): RA =03 54 22.83, Dec = -19 10 54.2 [url=http://www....
Supernova 2009K
Cosmology News
A magnitude 14.9 supernova, 2009K, was discovered by Pignata et al. (CHASE) on the 14th January, 2009, in the spiral galaxy NGC 1620 in the constellation Eridanus. The supernova is located 9" west and 2" north from the center of the galaxy. Position(2000): R.A. = 04h36m36s.77, Dec. = -0...
Supernova 2009B
Cosmology News
A type IIP magnitude 17.2 supernova, 2009B, was discovered by Tom Boles on the 2nd January, 2009, in the galaxy UGC 4423 in the constellation Camelopardalis. The supernova is located 8' West and 7' South from the center of the galaxy. Position(2000): RA =08 30 51.47, Dec = +74 41 08.1 [url=http://...
Possible Supernova in NGC1028
Cosmology News
A possible magnitude 17.5 supernova, 2009M, was discovered on the 20th January 2009 in the spiral galaxy NGC 1028, in the constellation Aries. The supernova is located 8".8 west and 10".0 south from the nucleus. As yet the Type is unknown Position(2000): RA = 02h 39m 36.57s ±0.03",...
Supernova 2009Y
Cosmology News
A magnitude 14.9 supernova, 2009Y, was discovered on the 1st February, 2009, by Martin Perth Observatory (LOSS) in the Seyfert, barred spiral galaxy, NGC 5728, in the constellation Libra. The supernova is located 9" east and 25" north from the center of the galaxy. As yet the type is unk...
Supernova 2007Y
Cosmology News
Title: The He-rich core-collapse supernova 2007Y: Observations from X-ray to Radio Wavelengths Authors: Maximilian Stritzinger, Paolo Mazzali, Mark M. Phillips, Stefan Immler, Alicia Soderberg, Jesper Sollerman, Luis Boldt, Jonathan Braithwaite, Peter Brown, Christopher R. Burns, Carl...
Supernova 2009N
Cosmology News
A magnitude 16.6 type IIp supernova, 2009N, was discovered by Koichi Itagaki on the 24th January, 2009, in the face-on spiral galaxy NGC 4487, in the constellation Virgo. The supernova is located 75" east and 18" north from the center of the galaxy. The Ultraviolet/Optical Telescope ab...
Type II Supernovae
Cosmology News
Title: Type II Supernovae as Probes of Cosmology Authors: Dovi Poznanski, Eddie Baron, Stephane Blondin, Joshua S. Bloom, Christopher B. D'Andrea, Massimo Della Valle, Luc Dessart, Richard S. Ellis, Avishay Gal-Yam, Ariel Goobar, Mario Hamuy, Malcolm Hicken, Daniel N. Kasen, Kevin L. Krisciu...
Supernova 2009bw
Cosmology News
A magnitude 15 Type II supernova, 2009bw, was discovered by Nissinen, Heikkinen, Hentunen (Taurus Hill observatory) on the 27th March, 2009, in the galaxy UGC 2890 in the constellation Camelopardalis. The supernova is located 11" east and 22" north from the center of the galaxy. Posit...
Supernova 2009dq
Cosmology News
A magnitude 15.2 supernova, 2009dq, was discovered by Pignata et al., at the CHilean Automatic Supernova sEarch (CHASE) on the 24th April 2009, in the Peculiar galaxy IC 2554 in the constellation Carina. The supernova is located 2" west and 3" south from the center of the galaxy. As yet th...
Supernova 2009ev
Cosmology News
A magnitude 14.6 supernova, 2009ev, was discovered by C. Colesanti, C. Jacques, E. Pimentel, and T. Napoleao, (Belo Horizonte, Brazil) on the 27th May, 2009, in the spiral (SBa) galaxy NGC 5026 in the constellation Centaurus. The supernova is located 45" east and 78" south from the cent...
Possible supernova in IC3704
Cosmology News
A possible magnitude 19.3 supernova has been discovered on the 20th May, 2009, in the edge on spiral galaxy IC3704 in the constellation Virgo. The supernova is located 11 East and 13 North from the center of the galaxy. Position(2000): RA 12 43 46.45, Dec +10 46 23.8
Radio Supernova 2008iz
Cosmology News
An international team of radio astronomers have discovered the secret explosion of a massive star, a new supernova, in the nearby galaxy M82. Despite being the closest supernova discovered in the last five years, the explosion is exclusively detectable at radio wavelengths since the dense gas an...
Carina Supernova explosion
Cosmology News
A group of space researchers at the Nagoya University have captured the world's first image of a supernova explosion showing gas spreading toward its poles. The scientists led by astronomer Yasuo Fukui recently took the photo of the explosion in a cluster of stars in the Carina constellation, arou...
Supernova 2009ge
Cosmology News
A magnitude 15.9 supernova, 2009ge, was discovered by CHASE on the 11 June, 2009, in the spiral galaxy ESO 101-18 in the constellation Triangulum Australe. The supernova is located 40".5 west and 8".2 south from the center of the galaxy. As yet the type is unknown. Position (2000): RA = 1...
Supernova 2009gb
Cosmology News
A magnitude 14.7 supernova, 2009gb, was discovered by The CHilean Automatic Supernova sEarch (CHASE) on the 9th June, 2009, in the galaxy ESO 447-37 in the constellation Centaurus. The supernova is roughly located 11" West and 20" South from the center of the galaxy. As yet the type is un...
Supernova 2009fr
Cosmology News
A magnitude 16.1 supernova, 2009fr, was discovered by Pignata et al. (CHASE) on the 1st June, 2009, in the SBbc spiral galaxy NGC 597 in the constellation Sculptor. The supernova is located 3" East and 0" North from the center of the galaxy. As yet the type is unknown. Position (2000): RA ...
Possible supernova in NGC3106
Cosmology News
A possible magnitude 16.1 supernova has been discovered on the 25th June, 2009, by the Catalina Real-time Transient Survey (CRTS), in the galaxy NGC 3106 in the constellation Leo Minor. Position (2000): RA 10:04:06.78, Dec 31:12:29.0 z = 0.021
Supernova 2009gu
Cosmology News
A magnitude 15.5 supernova, 2009gu, was discovered on the 27th June, 2009, by the CHilean Automatic Supernova sEarch (CHASE), in the spiral galaxy PGC 056359 (ESO 68-12) in the constellation Triangulum Australe. The supernova is located 28.7" east and 0.8" north from the center of the...
Supernova 2009bb
Cosmology News
Title: The High-Metallicity Explosion Environment of the Relativistic Supernova 2009bb Authors: E. M. Levesque, A. M. Soderberg, R. J. Foley, E. Berger, L. J. Kewley, S. Chakraborti, A. Ray, M. A. P. Torres, P. Challis, R. P. Kirshner, S. D. Barthelmy, M. F. Bietenholz, P. Chandra, V. Chaplin, R. A...
Supernova 2003bg
Cosmology News
Title: 2003bg: The First Type IIb Hypernova Authors: Mario Hamuy, Jinsong Deng, Paolo A. Mazzali, Nidia I. Morrell, Mark M. Phillips, Miguel Roth, Sergio Gonzalez, Joanna Thomas-Osip, Wojtek Krzeminski, Carlos Contreras, Jose Maza, Luis Gonzalez, Leonor Huerta, Gaston Folatelli, Ryan Chorn...
Supernova 2003hv
Cosmology News
Title: The normal Type Ia SN 2003hv out to very late phases Authors: G. Leloudas, M. D. Stritzinger, J. Sollerman, C. R. Burns, C. Kozma, K. Krisciunas, J. R. Maund, P. Milne, A. V. Filippenko, C. Fransson, M. Ganeshalingam, M. Hamuy, W. Li, M. M. Phillips, B. P. Schmidt, J. Skottfelt, S. Taubenberger...
Supernova 2009hq
Cosmology News
A magnitude 15.5 supernova, 2009hq, was discovered by B. Monard on the 30th July, 2009, in the spiral galaxy NGC 4152 in the constellation Coma Berenices. The supernova is located 7" east and 23" north from the center of the galaxy. As yet the type is unknown. Position (2000): RA = 12h10m...
Supernova 2009jg
Cosmology News
A magnitude15.7 supernova, 2009jg, was discovered on the 22nd September, 2009, by the Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey (CRTS), in an anonymous galaxy in the constellation Ophiuchus. The supernova is located 0.3" west and 3.5" south from the center of the galaxy. As yet the type is...
Supernova 2008iz
Cosmology News
Title: The radio lightcurve of SN 2008iz in M82 revealed by Urumqi observations Authors: N. Marchili, I. Marti-Vidal, A. Brunthaler, T.P. Krichbaum, P. Mueller, X. Liu, H.-G. Song, U. Bach, R. Beswick, J.A. Zensus We report on a set of 5 GHz Urumqi observations of the galaxy M82, made between August...
PTF09fox and PTF09foz
Cosmology News
Two nearby magnitude 18.8 supernova, PTF09fox and PTF09foz, were discovered on the 19th October, 2009, by the Palomar Transient Factory. PTF09fox Position (2000): RA 23:20:48.009, Dec +32:30:08.60 z = 0.07 PTF09foz Position (2000): RA 00:42:11.719, Dec -09:52:52.47 z = 0.05
Supernova 2009kp
Cosmology News
A magnitude 15.1 supernova, 2009kp, was discovered on the 3rd November, 2009, by T. Boles, in the spiral galaxy NGC 6246 in the constellation Draco. The supernova is located 15.0" west and 0.1" south from the center of the galaxy. As yet the type is unknown. Position (2000): RA = 16h49m51s...
Supernova 2002bj
Cosmology News
Supernova 2002bj in NGC 1821 A new type of supernova - the explosive death of a star has been discovered in which helium detonates on the surface of a white dwarf star. The exploding star, dubbed SN2002bj, was first observed seven years ago in the galaxy NGC 1821 by amateur astronomers, but was miscla...
Supernova 2009kq
Astronomy News
A magnitude 14.8, Type Ia supernova, 2009kq, was discovered on the 5th November, 2009, in the galaxy MCG +05-21-1 in the constellation Cancer. by R. Gagliano, and T. Puckett using the Double Beam Spectrograph on the Palomar 200-inch telescope. They report that the supernova best matches the Type I...
Stars/galaxy News
Supernovae mark the explosive deaths of particularly massive stars. During the few weeks it lasts, a supernova can outshine all the other stars in a galaxy combined. As if this wasn't powerful enough, there is a rare type of super-charged supernova called a hypernova. With a power about 100 times th...
Supernova 2008iy
Cosmology News
Title: SN 2008iy: An Unusual Type IIn Supernova with an Enduring 400 Day Rise Time Authors: A. A. Miller (1), J. M. Silverman (1), N. R. Butler (1), J. S. Bloom (1), R. Chornock (1 and 2), A. V. Filippenko (1), M. Ganeshalingam (1), C. R. Klein (1), W. Li (1), P. E. Nugent (3), N. Smith (1), T. N. Steele (1) ((...
Supernova 2007bi
Cosmology News
Massive supernova produced rainbow of elements for months. Astronomers have watched the violent death of what was probably the most massive star ever detected. The supernova explosion, which lasted for months, is thought to have generated more than 50 Suns' worth (10^32 kilograms) of different...
Supernova 2009nr
Astronomy News
A possible magnitude 13.6 supernova was discovered on the 22nd December, 2009, in the spiral galaxy UGC8255 (MCG+02-34-002) in the constellation Virgo. The supernova is located 36' East and 50' North from the center of the galaxy. Position (2000): RA 03 10 58.95, Dec +11 29 29.3
Stars/galaxy News
Beginning with a full view of beautiful spiral galaxy M81, follow the insets (left, bottom, then right) to zoom in on a real survivor.
Seen at the centre of the final field on the right is a star identified as the survivor of a cosmic cataclysm - the supernova explosion of its companio...
Supernova 2009af
Stars/galaxy News
A magnitude 15 type II supernova, 2009af, was discovered on the 16th February, 2009, by Giancarlo Cortini in the low surface brightness galaxy UGC 1551, in the constellation of Aries. The supernova is located 15".5...
1 2
Stars/galaxy News
This false-colour Chandra Xray telescope image of a supernova remnant shows X-rays produced by high-energy particles (blue) and multimillion-degree gas (red/green).
In spring 1006 AD, what was thought to be a "new star" suddenly appeared in the constellation Lupus,...
Supernova 2005gj
Stars/galaxy News
Titan: Nearby Supernova Factory Observations of SN 2005gj: Another Type Ia Supernova in a Massive Circumstellar Envelope
Authors: The Nearby Supernova Factory Collaboration: G. Aldering, P. Antilogus, S. Bailey, C. Baltay, A. Bauer, N. Blanc, S. Bongard, Y. Copin, E. Gangle...
Supernova 2008ax
Stars/galaxy News
Title: The type IIb SN 2008ax: spectral and light curve evolution Authors: A. Pastorello, M. M. Kasliwal, R. M. Crockett, S. Valenti, R. Arbour, K. Itagaki, S. Kaspi, A. Gal-Yam, S. J. Smartt, R. Griffith, K. Maguire, E. O. Ofek, N. Seymour, D. Stern, W. Wiethoff We present spectroscopy and photomet...
Supernova SN2005cs
1 2
Stars/galaxy News
Magnitude 14.0 supernova, SN2005cs, discovered in the Whirlpool galaxy on 28th June 2005.
Position(2000): RA 13 29 53.37 Dec +47 10 28.2
Offset RA -15 Dec -78 arcse...
Supernova 2006D
Stars/galaxy News
Title: Nearby Supernova Factory Observations of SN 2006D: On Sporadic Carbon Signatures in Early Type Ia Supernova Spectra
Authors: The Nearby Supernova Factory: R. C. Thomas, G. Aldering, P. Antilogus, C. Aragon, S. Bailey, C. Baltay, E. Baron, A. Bauer, C. Buton, S. Bongard,...
Supernova 2005hk
Stars/galaxy News
Title: The Peculiar Type Ia Supernova 2005hk
Authors: V. Stanishev, S. Taubenberger, G. Blanc, G.C. Anupama, S. Benetti, E. Cappellaro, N. Elias-Rosa, C. Feron, A. Goobar, K. Krisciunas, A. Pastorello, D.K. Sahu, M.E. Salvo, B.P. Schmidt, J. Sollerman, C.C. Thone, M. Turatto...
Supernova 2005ke
Cosmology News
A magnitude 16.3 (and rising), Supernova 2005ke, was discovered on November 13th, 2005 by the Lick Observatory Supernova Search, in the galaxy NGC 1371, located 40" east and 40" south of the centre.
Supernova SN1979C
Cosmology News
Scientists have found that the type II supernova SN 1979C that exploded in 1979 in the galaxy M100 is as bright today in X-ray light as it was when it was discovered years ago, a surprise finding because such objects usually fade significantly after only a few months.
Using ESA’s XMM-Newton space...
Supernova 2005cr
Cosmology News
A magnitude 15.9 supernova, 2005cr, was discovered on the 24th June 2005 by the University of Texas Supernovae Research Group , in the galaxy VPC 0198 in the constellation Virgo; (Located 3" east and 1" north of the nucleus) .
As yet the Type is unknown…
VPC (Virgo Photome...
Supernova 2005cn
Cosmology News
A magnitude 14.6 Supernova 2005cn was discovered on the 19th June 2005 by the Brazilian Supernovae Search (BRASS).
It was found in the galaxy NGC 5061[img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v328/blobrana/news...
Supernova 2005ch
Cosmology News
A magnitude 15.5 Supernova 2005ch, (as yet type unknown) was discovered on June 8th 2005 by the ROTSE collaboration .
It is located 0".9...
Possible supernova in ESO 555-8
Astronomy News
A possible magnitude 15.4 supernova was discovered on the 12th December, 2009, in the spiral galaxy ESO 555-8 in the constellation Lepus. The supernova is located 25' East and 13' North from the center of the galaxy. Position (2000): RA 05 52 35.55, Dec -17 47 15.3 z = 0.011366
Supernova 2008ia
A magnitude Mag 15.1, Type Ia supernova, 2008ia, was discovered by Pignata et al. (CHASE) on the 7th December, 2008, in the spiral galaxy ESO 125-6 in the constellation Carina. The supernova is located 2 West, North from the nucleus of the galaxy. Position(2000): R.A. = 08 50 35.15, Dec = -61 16 40....
Supernova 2009na
Cosmology News
A magnitude 15.3 supernova, 2009na, was discovered by J. Newton and T. Puckett, on the 26th December, 2009, in the spiral galaxy UGC 5884 in the constellation Leo Minor. The supernova is located 15.8" West and 2.7" North from the centre of the galaxy. As yet the type is unknown. Position (...
Supernova 2009mg
Cosmology News
A magnitude 17.3 supernova, 2009mg, was discovered by B. Monard on the 7th December, 2009, in the magnitude 12.5 SB galaxy ESO 121-26 in the constellation Pictor. The supernova is located 46' East and 4' South from the center of the galaxy. As yet the type is unknown. Position(2000): RA 06h 21m 44.8...
Supernova 2010A
Cosmology News
A magnitude 15.8 supernova, 2010A, was discovered by T. Puckett, L. Cox and J. Newton, on the 4th January, 2010, in the spiral galaxy UGC 2019 (MCG+00-07-039) in the constellation Cetus. The supernova is located 2.4" East and 6.9" North from the center of the galaxy. As yet the type is un...
Supernova 2010F
Astronomy News
A magnitude 14.7 supernova, 2010F, was discovered by the Chilean Automated Supernova search (CHASE) on the 14th January, 2010, in the spiral galaxy NGC 3120 in the constellation Antlia. The supernova is located 24.8" west and 9.1" south from the center of the galaxy. As yet the type is u...
Supernova 2003gs
Stars/galaxy News
Title: The fast declining Type Ia supernova 2003gs, and evidence for a significant dispersion in near-infrared absolute magnitudes of fast decliners at maximum light Authors: Kevin Krisciunas, G. H. Marion, Nicholas B. Suntzeff, Guillaume Blanc, Filomena Bufano, Pablo Candia, Regis Cartier...
Supernova 2010H
Astronomy News
A magnitude 15.2 supernova, 2010H, was discovered by the Lick Observatory Supernova Search (LOSS) on the 16th January, 2010, in the spiral galaxy IC 494 in the constellation Canis Minor. The supernova is located 3.9" west and 0.7" south from the center of the galaxy. As yet the type is un...
Supernova 2007gr
A magnitude 13.5 supernova, 2007gr, was discovered on the 15th August, 2007, by the Lick Observatory Supernova Search, in the spiral galaxy NGC 1058...
Supernova 2009kf
Cosmology News
Title: SN 2009kf : a UV bright type IIP supernova discovered with Pan-STARRS 1 and GALEX Authors: M.T. Botticella (Queen's University Belfast), C. Trundle, A. Pastorello, S. Rodney, A. Rest, S. Gezari, S. J. Smartt, G. Narayan, M.E. Huber, J. L. Tonry, D. Young, K. Smith, F. Bresolin, S. Valenti, R....
Supernova 2008fv
Cosmology News
Title: SN 2008fv: the third type Ia supernova in NGC 3147 Authors: D. Yu. Tsvetkov, L. Elenin Multiple outbursts of type Ia SNe in one galaxy present a unique opportunity to study the homogeneity of these objects. NGC 3147 is only the second known galaxy with three SNe Ia, another one is NGC 1316. We pre...
Supernova 2009kk
Astronomy News
A magnitude 15.5 Type Ia supernova, 2009kk, was discovered on the 15th October, 2009, by the Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey, in the galaxy 2MASX J03494330-0315348 in the constellation Eridanus. The supernova is located 14.5" east and 16.9" south from the center of the galaxy....
Supernova 2009ik
Astronomy News
A magnitude 14.9 supernova, 2009ik, was discovered on the 22nd, August, 2009, by B. Monard in the spiral galaxy NGC 4653 in the constellation Virgo. The supernova is located 2" east and 75" south from the center of the galaxy. As yet the type is unknown. Position(2000): RA = 12h43m51s.21...
Supernova 2009ii
Astronomy News
A magnitude 18.5 supernova, 2009ii, was discovered by T. Boles on the 22nd August, 2009, in the spiral galaxy UGC 3627. A type IIn supernova, 2007bb, had been observed in the galaxy in 2007. z = 0.020858
Supernova 2009ic
Astronomy News
A magnitude 14.9 supernova, 2009ic, was discovered on the 5th August, 2009, by Pignata et al. at the CHilean Automatic Supernova sEarch (CHASE) in the spiral galaxy PGC 16256 in the constellation Orion. The supernova is located 9.6" east and 23.2" south from the center of the galaxy. As y...
Supernova 2009ib
Astronomy News
A magnitude 14.7, type IIP supernova, 2009ib, was discovered on the 6th August, 2009, by Pignata et al. at the CHilean Automatic Supernova sEarch (CHASE) in the spiral galaxy NGC 1559 in the constellation Reticulum. The supernova is located 28.5" east and 22.3" north from the center of...
Supernova 2009gj
Astronomy News
A magnitude 15.9 supernova, 2009gj, was discovered on the 20th June, 2009, by S. Parker in the barred spiral galaxy NGC 134 in the constellation Sculptor. The supernova is located 82" east and 102" north from the center of the galaxy. As yet the type is unknown. Position (2000): RA = 00 30 2...
Supernova 2009el
Astronomy News
A magnitude 15.3 supernova, 2009el, was discovered by Pignata et al. at the CHilean Automatic Supernova sEarch (CHASE) on the 12th May, 2009, in the irregular S type interacting galaxy ESO 269-74 in the constellation Centaurus. The supernova is located between the two galaxies. As yet the type is u...
Possible supernova in Eridanus
Astronomy News
A possible magnitude 18.2 supernova was discovered on the 15th April, 2009, in an anonymous galaxy the constellation Eridanus. The supernova is located 2' West, 6' North form the centre of the galaxy. Position(2000): RA 12 08 07.21, Dec -31 59 25.3
Supernova 2008hy
Astronomy News
A magnitude 14.3 supernova, 2008hy, was discovered on the 6th December, 2008, by Tim Puckett, and A. Langoussis in the magnitude 12 type I/P galaxy IC 334 in the constellation Camelopardalis. The supernova is located 30" west and 97" north from the center of the galaxy. As yet the type is...
Supernova 2006gy
1 2 3
A magnitude 14.9 supernova, 2006gy, was discovered on the 18th September 2006, by the Texas Supernova Search in the galaxy NGC 1260, in the constellation Perseus.
The supernova is located 2".0 west and 0".4 north of the centre of the galaxy.
Position(2000): R.A. = 03h17m27s.06, Dec. = +4...
Supernova 2007if
Cosmology News
Super Supernova: White Dwarf Star System Exceeds Mass Limit An international team led by Yale University has, for the first time, measured the mass of a type of supernova thought to belong to a unique subclass and confirmed that it surpasses what was believed to be an upper mass limit. Their findings...
Helium-rich supernova
Astronomy News
Title: A massive star origin for an unusual helium-rich supernova in an elliptical galaxy Authors: K. S. Kawabata, K. Maeda, K. Nomoto, S. Taubenberger, M. Tanaka, J. Deng, E. Pian, T. Hattori, K. Itagaki (Version v2) The unusual helium-rich (type Ib) supernova SN 2005E is distinguished from any s...
Supernova 2010bj
Astronomy News
A magnitude 16.0 supernova, 2010bj, was discovered on the 27th March, 2010, by L. Cox and T. Puckett, in the edge-on spiral galaxy NGC 2357 in the constellation Gemini. The supernova is located 31.8" east and 19.4" south from the center of the galaxy. As yet the type is unknown. Position (2...
Supernova 2010as
Astronomy News
A magnitude 15.2 supernova, 2010as, was discoveredby the Chilean Automated Supernova search (CHASE) on the 19th March, 2010, in the galaxy NGC 6000 in the constellation Scorpius. The supernova is located 3.1" West and 2" North from the center of the galaxy. As yet the type is unknown. T...
Possible supernova in NGC4214
Astronomy News
A possible magnitude 16 supernova was discovered on the 5th February, 2010, in the barred irregular galaxy NGC4214 in the constellation Canes Venatici. The supernova is located 20" East and 27" North from the center of the galaxy. Position (2000): RA 12 15 41.06, Dec +36 20 02.9
Supernova 2010eb
Astronomy News
A magnitude 14.7 supernova, 2010eb, was discovered by Berto Monard on the 26th May, 2010, in the spiral galaxy NGC 488 in the constellation Pisces. The supernova is located 134" West and 135" North from the center of the galaxy. Position (2000): RA 01 21 37.78, Dec +05°17'39".9 CBE...
Supernova 2010fz
A magnitude 15.4 supernova, 2010fz, was discovered by B. Monard on the 9th July, 2010, in the spiral galaxy NGC 2967, in the constellation Sextans. The supernova is located 22" east and 21" south from the center of the Galaxy. As yet the type is unknown. Position (2000): RA = 09 42 04.77, Dec...
Supernova 2007qd
Title: The Subluminous Supernova 2007qd: A Missing Link in a Family of Low-Luminosity Type Ia Supernovae Authors: Colin M. McClelland, Peter M. Garnavich, Lluís Galbany, Ramon Miquel, Ryan J. Foley, Alexei V. Filippenko, Bruce Bassett, J. Craig Wheeler, Ariel Goobar, Saurabh W. Jha, Masao Sako...
Supernova 2010ih
A magnitude 12.8 Type Ia supernova, 2010ih, was discovered by The CHilean Automatic Supernova sEarch (CHASE) on the 16th September, 2010, in the galaxy NGC 2325 in the constellation Canis Major 'the Great Dog'. The supernova is located 42.5" East and 265" North from the center of the gal...
Supernova 2006oz
Title: SN 2006oz: rise of a super-luminous supernova observed by the SDSS-II SN Survey Authors: G. Leloudas, E. Chatzopoulos, B. Dilday, J. Gorosabel, J. Vinko, A. Gallazzi, J. C. Wheeler, B. Bassett, J. Fischer, J. A. Frieman, J. P. U. Fynbo, A. Goobar, M. Jelinek, D. Malesani, R. C. Nichol, J. Nord...
Peculiar type Ia supernovae
Failed explosions explain most peculiar supernovae Supercomputer simulations have revealed that a type of oddly dim, exploding star is probably a class of duds - one that could nonetheless throw new light on the mysterious nature of dark energy. Most of the thousands of exploding stars classifie...
Type Ibc supernovae
Title: The death of massive stars - II. Observational constraints on the progenitors of type Ibc supernovae Authors: John J. Eldridge, Morgan Fraser, Stephen J. Smartt, Justyn R. Maund, R. Mark Crockett We present an extensive search for the progenitors of type Ibc supernovae in all available pre...